Your Scientology vs Anonymous Unicorn Chaser Video

Update: Oh, fine, take down your damn videos. Here’s another one:

Some faithful readers have complained about the ominous, extremist anarchist tone taken by the internet action group Anonymous in its video manifestos against the Church of Scientology. And we understand, we really do. We don’t understand why ominositousness, extremeology, and anarchistication are seen as negatives, but there, there, we’ll cut you some slack.

Here is your unicorn chaser, stolen straight from The Church of Stalkerology, Gawker.

LolCats. NonyLolCats vs the Church of Scientology. Is this not the meta-ist of the meta-memes you’ve ever seen? It is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. The only way this could have been improved is if it had been posted, yes, anonymously.


Hey-a, we is anonacat.

We haz been in yer sitez watchin’ ur filks.

We see whud u did der.

We no whud u bin doin wif yer peeps.

The lays, teh lawsoots, teh deed peepel n stuff.

U got caught in butt sechs and ceiling cat is not amused.

We is gonna ate allz yer cheezburgers

and poop n your corm flacks.

We is gonna pwn u.

pwn ur websitez,

pwn yer blags.

pwn your girlfriend wif butt sechs.

We know that u b strong n stuff, but we is not impretz.

We are a lots,

we be have a lot of kittahs

that can be catz fer us if we be get deed.

We are in your base, liberating your doods.

For the gud of yer peeps.

For the good of teh kittehs everwhere,

and for de cheezeburgas, we is gonna make yer cult be kilt.

We are anonycat.

We are teh leegun.

We haz a flavor.

We is no skert.

Expect We.


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12 thoughts on “Your Scientology vs Anonymous Unicorn Chaser Video

  1. Pingback: The Tom Cat Scientology Video « raincoaster

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