Richard Gere wanted for questioning…

Hampsterdance Christmas albumA Des Moines man was attacked by his roommate this morning. The injuries are not considered to be life-threatening. The weapon: a hamster ball.

He told officers he was sleeping when his roommate attacked him. He said he tried to run but the roommate grabbed a hamster ball and hit him in the head with it. The roommate then took a curtain rod and hit him with it, then bit Johnson on the arm, leaving teeth marks.

It left the cutest little bruises…

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5 thoughts on “Richard Gere wanted for questioning…

  1. I feel that the hamster ball was almost certainly an innocent bystander. The Des Moines Register clearly just wanted to spare their readers the headline “Room-mate Attacks, Bites Johnson.”

  2. I want to know what he did with the other ball, though. Surely this is the least practical of weapons. And what did the neutered hamster think of the whole thing? Is this some kind of bestiality teabagging by proxy thing?

    Kudos for the Johnson hed. An instant classic.

  3. Hamster balls are tough – I know a girl who had a hamster at uni and used to let him bimble around the sitting room of the house in a hamster ball. Whenever she left the room the lads used to play football with it, complete with hamster. It never even cracked. Don’t think hammy was too pleased though.

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