quiz: your beer personality

You Are Guinness

You know beer well, and you’ll only drink the best beers in the world.
Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them.When you drink, you tend to become a bit of a know it all – especially about subjects you don’t know well.But your friends tolerate your drunken ways, because you introduce them to the best beers around.

What’s Your Beer Personality?

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12 thoughts on “quiz: your beer personality

  1. Hmmm, I’m Guinness too and I don’t even like Guinness. Well okay, I like a sip of it now and again but find it way too filling to ever drink a whole glass of it. My favourite beers are German/Dutch/Czech lagers, though I only tend to drink very cold beer in summer.

    The Guinness personality description is uncannily accurte, however …

  2. I don’t like Guinness either, even though I’m genetically obliged to worship it. Not much of a beer drinker at all, but if you go with the premise it all makes pretty good metaphor.

  3. I’m Guinness, and I’m not bloody well happy about it. As a real ale drinker, I’m fully aware that Guinness is the watered down one…give me a good real stout any day of the week. What’s all this best beer in the world crap. Guinness is what I drink when I’m at an overpriced venue that doesn’t have any decent booze but I’m stuck there because there’s a band I want to watch. This generally means that I only ever pay about twice its value, adding to the sense of being dicked out of value and getting a piss poor beer to make up for it.
    Apart from that…it’s quite accurate. But Guinness sure as hell ain’t the best in town.

  4. Well, they got the know-it-all part right. You’re not taking into account the fact that this is an American quiz. Have you HAD their beer? But Guinness isn’t really that bad.

    Around Vancouver the overpriced Yuppie tipple is Stella. Let no man say they haven’t got a good marketing department.

  5. Swap yuppie for yobbo and you’ve got the UK.
    I used to love Stella back in the day.
    In fact the Americas are getting more into their traditional brewing techniques. A beer and pub food writer friend of mine is planning a retirement tour of American micro breweries. Apparently there’s enough now to make them worth cataloguing. I’ve had a bottle of quite tasty ale made by a San Fran based micro.
    Try a few more stouts before you say that Guinness ain’t that bad. A good stout should taste full and rounded…not flat, watery and insipid. Seriously. Guinness is nothing like a decent stout.
    I’m suddenly thirsty.

  6. I don’t actually like stout much, but I’m thinking your local can’t be handling theirs properly. I’ve had quite a few, all from the top end of the brewmaster’s world, and while Guinness isn’t the best of them, it probably IS the best of the ubiquitous ones. Maybe your pub is watering theirs down (wouldn’t be the first or last to do so).

    The American microbrews can be exceptional, but like wine it depends where. There are some nasty small breweries too. Check out Modern Drunkard magazine for recommendations: they’re online as well, and a laugh riot even if you’re not thirsty.

  7. I’ve had plenty in my life. It is variable…more on how you clean the pipes and pour it…but still…I’ve always found it really bland compared to some of the local tipples.
    Still….opinion and all that. I mean…I’d rather have a Guinness than a bog standard lager any day.
    Still….I guess each is entitled to their own.

  8. Im guinness which is fine with me cause that is my favorite beer ( all others suck such as corona and budlight or heineken) because while guinness is rich and full of flavor, budlight tastes like piss and gives you headaches.

  9. I’m Guiness, but I’d much rather have a proper stout. There are too many good microbreweries surrounding my area for me to drink anything else. It’s always tough deciding between Arcadia Ales, New Holland, Dogfish Head, or Bell’s. New Holland’s ‘The Poet’ and Bell’s Java Stout are my current favorites.

  10. Guinness IS a proper stout: not my fault you get canned swill in most places. If those brands want to be the answer to a quiz, they’re just gonna hafta get their PR people to make a quiz, same as Guinness.

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