your morning coffee

raincoaster latteor latte. Or cappuccino. Or whatever you prefer, as the case may be. We are all ecumenical-like about the caffeinated beverages here on the ol’ raincoaster blog.

Stole this from the mighty, mighty Generator Blog. God knows I’ve tried doing the latte-picture-pour myself, but somehow it always comes out looking like a vagina. Still, popular with a certain segment of the customer base. Your morning coffee
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18 thoughts on “your morning coffee

  1. Pingback: mememe « casa az

  2. Steal away! You know, I was gonna go back down for a nap (illin’ lately) but I think I may head out and get some premium lattedom instead. There really is nothing like a super well-made cup of coffee with aerated steamy hot milk and maybe a shot of hazelnut or eggnog…breakfast of champeenz!

  3. You say that as if it’s bad…

    I love tea as well, all kinds (except bloody chamomile! Gack!) but first thing in the morning a nice latte makes an excellent replacement for breakfast for those of us who are too lazy to actually cook.

    Hmmm, maybe I should drag my sorry butt over to the Ovaltine and get a nice dinery brunch. Ain’t nuthin like a mug of joe and three different kinds of fried foods to start your day off right.

  4. Pingback: Cornell Finch » Blog Archive » The Dyslexic’s Anti-Christmas Message

  5. I love the image it and I love coffee but what the doctor orders for me is green tea. Green tea is boring but green tea and cannabis is FINE. And that is the title of a blog post I’m writing on the back of my eyelids right now so don’t you dare steal it rain, ‘cuz I might be tempted to hop on the ferry with my eggnog and hunt y’all down and then fa-la-la all over your black Christmas. I feel a blue one coming on myself. :(

  6. Aw dammit, that sounds farkable! Well post it and I’ll see if it’s theftworthy afterwards.

    You DO need to get yourself to Chinatown, though. I went to Ten Ren to buy some jasmine tea and they had no word of a lie, 5 kinds of jasmine, three different grades. If you think green tea is boring you need to take the time to hit that store; it’s the temple of tea.

    Rent The Ref and watch it and you’ll feel better. At least Dennis Leary isn’t kidnapping you! Although taken in the right frame of mind, that could be quite the fantasy as well…

  7. I agree that a lovely ‘cafe con leche’ is quite a good breakfast … even better with a piece of toast on the side. Cannot imagine facing the day without one and a half (somehow I never manage to finish the second one) very strong cups of coffee.

    “I love tea as well, all kinds (except bloody chamomile! Gack!)”

    That’ll be the totally vomit-making smell. Yeah I know, it’s supposed to be so good for you and all that, but so what. I also can’t stand mint tea. Or those gross ‘fruit teas’ that smell like chewing gum … well okay, I guess I only like some teas some of the time.
    And coffee only in the morning.

  8. Some of the herbal teas are quite good, but some are just dreadful. It’s a matter of quality, and I think a lot of crap gets sold because it has no caffeine and it smells like the produce department. Not that keen on rooibos either.

    Seven years at Starbucks have made me a beverage snob. There’s an article I’ve been poking at on and off for quite some time and I may get back to it; how our choice of beverages influences and expresses our quotidian selves. All very highbrow, you know, and a damn fine excuse to write off some heavy duty latte, tea and cocktail action!

  9. Starbucks??? Eewww…

    They opened one here a couple of years ago and since then they’ve been sprouting like vile mushrooms all over the place.

    My favourite herbal tea is called ’tila tea’ and is supposed to be lime blossom tea yet weirdly tastes like twigs … I have no idea why I like it so much, but it’s just so soothing.

    Favourite non-herbal tea is Constant Comment (orange & spices) which I have to have sent to me from either Canada or the US.

  10. Constant Comment is nice. I’ve had lime blossom tea and it’s good too.

    Starbucks spawns by mitosis. There’s never only ONE around. Weirdly, there actually are a few differences from one country to another, though not as many as with other chains. The ones in the Phillippines were exactly the same as the American and Canadian ones (and when they found out I was from Starbucks in Vancouver they gave me a free souvenir mug, gotta love that!). But apparently the ones in Japan had a huge battle with the smokers there, because people in Japan smoke like chimneys. Turned out what saved the no-smoking policy was the fact that a lot of girls hate the smell of smoke and they were the ones choosing where to go on dates. So Starbucks became the big singles thing there for awhile.

  11. The first Starbucks that opened in Seville was directly across the street from my favourite breakfast bar (best coffee, best toast, best brekky service in town). I didn’t get it … why anyone would pay three times as much for a poorer quality product and also poorer service. But it turns out that it’s mostly US/UK tourists that go to Starbucks.

    I went to a Starbucks once in Toronto … never went back again. Kinda like when I was 19 and the first McDonalds opened up in Winnipeg … went there once too.

    Guess I’ve never understood those sorts of places. Though I do love a good cup of coffee and a fabulously grilled burger.

    Well, perhaps that’s why . . .

  12. We’ve got to disagree about the quality of the coffee. I don’t know what’s available in Seville, but it’s probably the third-best coffee you can get in Vancouver, behind Cafe Artigiano and Continental Coffee on the Drive. But if you don’t like that kind of roast, you’ll never like the coffee, it’s true.

  13. Tim Horton’s, the Liquid of Life. Starbuck’s is a trendy place to waste money on sugary froth.

    When I purchase a caffenated beverage my objective is not to admire it for its aesthetic beauty, nor to use it as some sort of canvas for my repressed artistic side, but to consume it with a satisfied “glug” sound. Tea is tolerable with milk, sweetened, in a mug with sides not less than 1″ thick.

    How can you blend a heaping, delicious, grease-fest with a frou-frou “foamy” anything (except possibly contraceptive jelly–gotta love the Ovaltine)?

  14. Tim Horton’s? What are ya, a Easterner? You know it’s American now, eh?

    I saw the greatest mugs today on the Cthulhu Coffee site; “Don’t add milk; you will only anger it.”

  15. You know, you can make green tea lattes.

    There is little shop a stone throws from my house that sells high end tea, which they’ll use to make you a latte.

    The guy should move to Chinatown, as I’m his only customer, but they’re awesome.

  16. Yes, I know you can make green tea lattes, but you shouldn’t put them in your mouth. EW!

    Now, chai lattes are a different story. Black tea with milk, sure. Green tea with milk? Medicinal. To each his/her own I suppose, but not my thing. SO not my thing. Green tea goes best with nothing but a silent moment of contemplation. And none of that matcha crap, either; they’re using the format to dump some real duds on the Western market.

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