human sexuality and robot intelligence

engtech, master of blogpimping, dropped this one into the comments section. I’m not above syphoning off his readership, so I’m re-posting this here. So there.
harold is a robot, comic, cartoon, web comic, robots sexual innuendo, google, urban dictionary, slang, rusty trombone, rim job, raspberry beret, roman helmet
Harold is a Robot #2 – Sexual Innuendo human sexuality and robot intelligence
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5 thoughts on “human sexuality and robot intelligence

  1. Ah the intellectual cold-cream balm of raincoaster blog. After wading through a sea of 30-something know-all blokes blogs who’s rods up their arse were either inserted at public school or just grew there it is good to know one can visit raincoasters little island of calm, intelligence and humour.

    Actually I think we should send Blair to the USA and make RAINCOASTER our PM, for so many many reasons.

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