Elvira at 80

Stole this from the Stripper Blog, which I recommend for casual browsing, and yes, it’s SFW, regardless of what WordPress currently says about it.

Elvira at 80

4 thoughts on “Elvira at 80

  1. I just love Elvira, she’s an icon. I am still amazed that the person who recommended her movie(s) was my father, a more straight-laced, upright, conservative, cherished husband and father you could not wish to meet. Which just goes to show, Elvira appeals to everyman. She’s hilarious. I particularly like the line, after she bumped her head – ‘how’s your head?’ to which she answers ‘well I’ve never had any complaints’. Priceless.

  2. aww… thanks raincoaster. i try to stay sfw, but its a difficult line i walk on. i haven’t looked at your blog too much yet, but i’m just about to spend my whole night digging through it.
    thx again. luv – autumn

  3. Yes, it’s a difficult line, I agree. I hope they un-adult you soon. As long as you haven’t shown any tits or anything in the uh, legpit area, I think you’re okay. Happy digging!

    Elvira is indeed hilarious. I’ve always wanted to set her up with Bill Nye, the Science Guy. They’d be a dream couple.

  4. they finally replied to me that they have reviewed the site and have deemed it “mature.” i emailed back a protest but i hold little hope. actually, the worst part is its really a disservice to people using the tags to search for sites. if you have type in the tag “stripper,” you only get three sites that use the tag, and none of the links go to anything even remotely about strippers. in fact the “featured link” is some guy from the 70s singing a song that has no relevance at all. well, cest la vie i suppose… anyways, nuff of my rants. after much browsing i found that i love your site.
    thanks and luv

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