Certificate of Citizenship

Who exists? THIS BITCH!

Certificate of Citizenship

Certificate of Citizenship

Well, it’s official: I exist.

After a significant number of years “off the grid” during which I often lived without electricity, usually lived without a fixed address, and quite often lived without any idea where I would be in the next two weeks, as well as a fraught month without any health insurance whatsoever, I finally have an official address. An official identity. Like a pedigreed dog or a downtown lamp post, I am papered.

I am an Ontarian.

So, anyone looking for raincoaster is probably not looking in Ontario, so on that basis I’m probably pretty safe from Them, whoever Them is/are.

Not sure Them were actually ever looking for me, but my ego won’t allow for the possibility nobody wanted to find me, particularly THEM, so one will continue to assume one has successfully thwarted Them for years.

And don’t try to talk me out of it.

Anyhoodle, the result of all seven months of hard task-mastering and world-class admin support by The Sister is that I now have a temporary Ontario medical card (actually a letter) and in four to six weeks will have my first government-issued photo ID since 1996, when I had a passport, now long since expired. Before that, I believe it was my BC Driver’s License, which expired in 1993 or so and I just never bothered to get renewed. And all of the old ID except the passport got lost when I was mugged in Vancouver a few years back, at which time I found out just how much trouble it was all going to be to replace, and just let it go. Because you don’t need ID if you live in the same place for over a decade and everyone knows who you are and GASP you even run a tab at the Ovaltine and Sunrise Market, no problem, and who can do that? I ask yez. WHO has that kind of privilege? It’s like being Cher or something, only Cher can’t get credit at the Ovaltine. So I let it go.

Which, yeah, in retrospect was foolish, but what good is retrospect? I ain’t got no time machine.

But I DO have a snazzy letter attesting to the fact that I am a Canadian citizen, born abroad, which has a pretty CANADA 150 maple leaf on it, so Yay for Good Timing, I Got The Cool Logo. And now an OHIP letter, soon to be an OHIP card, at which point I can go to yet a different government office, fill out yet ANOTHER government form, write a test of some kind, and get my learner’s permit, as a prelude to getting a real driver’s license, which would have drastically simplified my life last year with the bus kerfuffle.

Oh yeah, the bus. Still hasn’t come up for auction, but when it does, I might just go there now that I have government ID and I know what it’s worth as scrap. Without government ID even the scrapyard wouldn’t take it last year. Wonder if it’ll still have all the stuff, like the dehydrator bolted to the custom-built counter.

But with a driver’s license things like ridesharing become possible. With a driver’s license and a bit of work under my belt, I’ll have some money and can buy a second-hand car or van and then I’ll have mobility and options. With a van, I can even sleep in it for free, so as long as the insurance isn’t a money bomb I will be, however slightly, on the property ladder as they say.

Yes, welcome to the 21st Century, where the Canadian Dream is to live in a second-hand van.

Speaking of work, I’m currently Not-Procrastinating on it by writing this blog post, my first in quite some time (years?). I’m practicing, warming up. Originally, the ol’ raincoaster blog began because I was describing myself as a writer, yet had no writing to show anyone. So, I assigned myself 200 words a day here, and that’s what I still recommend for my students, although I suggest 5 days a week, not 7.

Burnout is real, y’all.

But recovering from the accident has taken far longer than I had hoped. My brain works superficially quite well, so if I were, say, a tv talking head, I could go back to work now or some months ago. As a journalist in a highly complex and constantly changing field, it’s currently somewhat reaching to try to go back to that position, so I’m warming up by taking a couple of assignments that should be easy for me. SHOULD be.

Let’s put it this way: one of them is seven months overdue. One is a month late. And the other, thank god, is with an organization that moves as slowly as I do.

But blogging again, once a day for 200 words, is going to help me. Help me get back in the swing, get back to proficiency and prolixity (I did do 48 blog posts in a 24 hour period once, after all). God knows what I’ll write about, other than myself and procrastination, but here goes. Wish me luck.

Good News/Bad News

Keven Spacey is as confused as I am

Keven Spacey is as confused as I am

Well, I may get whiplash from this rollercoaster life (if I don’t get it from doing yet another faceplant trying to walk on the slippery boardwalk). As some of you know, the Daily Dot and I have parted company. That was planned and a very long time coming, but it had to be done and it was done last week when I sent in the final invoice and, well, it was sad but it was better if you know what I mean. Then I moved to a place where my rent is paid with two hours a day of wood chopping, compost researching, boardwalk repairing, etc, started losing weight automatically, and all was well.

Yesterday, raincoaster.com celebrated its eighth birthday! I still remember all 64 of my first day’s hits, which I got by begging in the comments section on Boris Johnson’s blog.

That left me with Ayyyy.com as my sole paid gig.

Guess what happened to Ayyyy.com today.

Continue reading

Yorkies: like Chihuahuas, with a side of provincial arrogance

Hello, may the men in white coats help you? Perhaps with the "Bunny Jacket"?

Hello, welcome to WordPress.com. How may the men in white coats help you? Perhaps with the “Bunny Jacket”?

From time to time, as regular readers of the ol’ raincoaster blog may be aware, we volunteer in the WordPress.com technical support forums. One uses the Royal “We” here, you understand. One understands. Hopefully, given the stats on this blog, at least several of you understand.

And in the depths of the technical support forums, we occasionally encounter a type which requires technical support more than most; it requires, in fact, medical intervention. As long as they remain polite, they get help. Once they lower the bar, however, they become my lawful prey and learn just what real, true, bar-lowering looks like up close and/or personal.


  1. mildredpilchard
    Feb 7, 2014, 3:31 PM

    Please noteth that unless by the fourteenth of February of the year twenty fourteen WordPress.com does not remove the personal information of and not exclusive to names, addresses, dates of birth, names of children, names of spouses on the blog known as kevgreen1950 or ‘the man behind the mask’ then you will leave no choice under the courts of human rights than to remove such information.
    Save as for any credible information contained upon said site, every other defamatory or illegal insert should be deleted, namely names, addresses, ages, occupations, spousal details and any other offending inserts or postings relating to minors especially. Failure to do so could in Immediate terms be classed as supplying information as to provocate or at least attract paedophile attention due to the content of minors involved – this would be seen as a ‘pimping’ or offering a minor/s for targeting.
    I am sure you would not wish to be associated with such activities and I am confident of a successful conclusion.
    I can grant you audience at [email redacted]
    Kate Jones

    The blog I need help with is mildredpilchard.wordpress.com.

  2. These matters are not discussed on public support forums available to everyone with internet access as this one is.

    See here http://en.support.wordpress.com/private-information/

    Then use this form http://en.wordpress.com/abuse/

    I’d like to add that you first must determine whether or not the site is a free hosted WordPress>COM blog or not. Many people assume WordPress.ORG installs are hosted by WordPress.COM when they aren’t.

    2) Determine whether or not the blog is hosted at WordPress.com.
    If you see a link that reads “Blog at WordPress.com” in the footer of the blog (linked to http://wordpress.com), this normally means that it is hosted here (although external blogs may place this in the footer, if they choose to). Also, if you are logged into WordPress.com, you will see your gray-colored admin bar at the top of your screen.

  3. mildredpilchard
    Feb 7, 2014, 3:56 PM

    I am not here to look into the ins and outs of any wordpress blogs, indeed that is for wordpress to investigate as the onus as any future Defendant will be upon them. I have given the specifics, I can only suggest wordpress looks into this matter as a course of urgency since this is a wordpress.com site in question as per information previously supplied.
    I now think you are trying to deflect responsibility which does not good to say the least!

    I have a screenshot of your response thus far.

  4. No one will investigate a complaint that has yet to be made and therefore does not exist. Hopefully, you are clear on that.
    See also: http://wordpress.com/complaints/

  5. mildredpilchard
    Feb 7, 2014, 3:59 PM

    Oh and Court Orders are not allowed to be emailed, they need to be sent to a bona fide address – allowing one exists of course.

    I suggest to WordPress that they seek to rectify this matter forthwith to reach an amicable conclusion. I am not so naaive as to think that absolutely nobody in the employ of WordPress does not read this forum (whatnots).

    End of communication. Over and out.

  6. Click the link and locate the court order address please. If I post it here the software will redact it. http://wordpress.com/complaints/

    Court orders: Official, signed court orders can be emailed to

  7. mildredpilchard
    Feb 7, 2014, 4:09 PM

  8. mildredpilchard
    Feb 7, 2014, 4:12 PM

    Only your report button seems to spew this out relentlessly!

    Is it some ‘spook site of imitation’? I reckon not.

    Anyhow at ten past midnight I am not in the frame of mind to be entering into a to-and-fro.

    My position is clear is it not? No deviation, no quarter.

    I am truly out of here.

  9. “Please noteth?” Sounds legit.

  10. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 6:25 AM

    Oh I do apologise raincoaster for my grammar, I had originally written something else with the word ‘forthwith’ in it, the two words became strung together.

    OK for everyone’s benefit it should read Please note – is that better now?

    Anyway the message remains the same, the information on the blog I have linked to contains the personal information of other people, obviously you find it acceptable for people to do this especially when the details of house addresses are posted up where minors (children to you) reside.
    These people are now having to move home and it is perfectly obvious that wordpress supports the actions of those posting up this information. It needs removing immediately.
    The Police have of course been informed, maybe wordpress could check it out with North Wales Police to see if it is really ‘legit’ as you say.
    What does wordpress intend doing exactly? You have now received a complaint wordpress, so it needs acting upon does it not?

  11. Please use the links that @timethief gave you above and file a report using that process. yes the process is formal, but that is to protect everyone that has a blog here from someone just showing up in the forum with a rant demanding that a blog be taken down.

    The process does work. Endangering someone’s safety is against the Terms of Service. You need to make a very solid case on why a blog should be removed, that case can not be make by making the demands as you have done here and expecting us to do research half way around the world.

    Until you file the formal complaint with solid evidence in the submittable nothing will happen and eventually we will get tired of trying to get you to do the correct actions. Threatening legal action will do nothing either. Quite common for people to threaten legal action because they failed to read the Terms of Service. Also at some point this thread will be closed by the staff.

    If you have a valid complaint, the Terms of Service group will deal with it, continuing to post here will get you nothing. Sorry but that is just the facts of life and the law.

  12. If you refuse to follow instructions and pull legalese out your ass you will not be successful at achieving the objective. TT gave you the link which leads to success. Use it, don’t bullshit and try to pretend to be a lawyer, and staff will look into the case. Otherwise they will not.

  13. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 2:51 PM

    OK everyone – whoever you are????

    anyway absolutely nobody has confirmed that the link I gave you belongs to this site.

    Do they or not????

    This is the first point of action since some entity called timethief interacted and formed contract with me.

    Tell ya wot (is that USA enuf 4yaz?) Why don’t you contact the blog instigator and ask them to take the details off the net?

    Don’t try to threaten me because you are a faceless nothing entity – tell ya wot ya’ll I’ll go to alternative social media in the UK to warn not to subscribe to your site – howz that grabya?

    We can carry this on in the USA if you prefer since me brother and a credible relative of the children living in the UK is concerned?

    All you people want to do is be obstructive – I wonder why that might be???

    Answer the credible questions of why it is acceptable to publish the details of people under witness protection, or give me an address to complain to. San Fran Cisco PD??

    Ban me if ya like ta, it will be outed in the UK to avoid you if you like…

    Roll your dice – take your choice – formality ‘don’t’ work obviously because ‘wordpress’ is full of seemingly antagonistic factions.

    The question to ask is why ‘wordpress’ don’t answer under their own steam, why do they need to hide behind ‘people’ probably dragged in from the net??

    oh and as for some people jumping onto ma grammar – I am wot’s known as a dyslexic – yes that’s right – just like ‘The Fonze’ strangeness eh?? So you like to discriminate against people with a mental stigmatism – go figure..

    I am not enjoying having to translate my postings into American – I am convinced you understand English of which ‘noteth’ is actually a word

    believe it or not!

  14. @mildredpilchard
    I’m not sure what part of this you fail to comprehend and this is the last time I will post here because
    (1) I provided the correct information above, and
    (2) this thread has turned into a gong show.

    To determine whether or not the blog is hosted at WordPress.com you can look for a link that reads “Blog at WordPress.com” in the footer of the blog (linked to http://wordpress.com), this normally means that it is hosted here (although external blogs may place this in the footer, if they choose to). Also, if you are logged into WordPress.com, you will see your gray-colored admin bar at the top of your screen.

    If and when you complete the form I provided the link to above http://wordpress.com/complaints/ your issue will move forward. If you fail to do that the complaint does not exist.

    Click the link and locate the court order address please. Court orders: Official, signed court orders can be emailed to

  15. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:00 PM

    Oh and was that IT?? why not say as such??

    Much to hide eh? eyh for you Yanks.

    In fact why not be up front and state that you are in the US?

    There is more than one way to skin a cat isn’t there? – so the saying goes in the UK.

  16. Okay!!! You sound hysterical!!! And unable to follow instructions!!!

    I, personally, as an investigative reporter who is also a WordPress.com consultant, will be happy to undertake the investigation you request, but my fee is $2500 payable in advance.

    Otherwise, use the fucking link you were provided to contact staff instead of giving us laughing material here in the forums, where all of your interactions are public, connected to your username and the allegations and blog you are complaining about, and archived by Google.

  17. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:03 PM

    err look at the link I sent you ta- is it wordpress or not? you seem to be unable to answer my question – why??

    gong? what does that mean please? Is that an Amerivcan term because English people don’t have a clue what you mean!

    Speak English please – not rocket science is it?

  18. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:04 PM

    err look at the link I sent you ta- is it wordpress or not? you seem to be unable to answer my question – why??

    gong? what does that mean please? Is that an Amerivcan term because English people don’t have a clue what you mean!

    Speak English please – not rocket science is it?

  19. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:05 PM

    Nope just answer, is the link I sent ya one of yours or not

    Is that a MENSA question to you?

  20. Sure. Like I sayeth unto thee, crosseth mine palm with argent and yea verily I shall render unto you the answereths to thine questionones.

  21. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:09 PM

    Oh and by the way I do not give a Thrupenny bit about who or what you claim to be.

    Do you exist in the UK – no you are unremarkable! If you can ‘blag’ that amount from your ‘clients’ then jolly good for you, otherwise I expect you are nothing

  22. Have you filed the complaint form yet?

  23. I expect if you don’t know who I am you don’t have Google where you come from.

  24. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:15 PM

    Well until thou cometh from The Riding Knowneth as Yorkshire – please do not try to insult me by your faux what? English are you trying to spout at me?

    Anyway, you confirm my prior thoughts, this wordpress stuff is an internet sham whereby no-one will answer a credible question like does the link I previously sent belong or come under wordpress – why the heck will nobody answer this?

    If you need me to resend the link then you only have to request and I shall oblige – it is not a difficult question so why all the deflection one wonders?

  25. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:20 PM

    Oh here we go ‘Don’t you know wqho I am?’ = fascetiosness and particularly ugly in the UK

    Do you know with whom you address? blah-blah words already!

    I do not care one jot who you are only what will you do about


    It seems to me that you would very much argue the toss than be integral and act upon what I present to you.

    Why don’t you answer my question – ego or no ego?

  26. If you still haven’t filed the form it will appear that you aren’t distressed about the actual issue you created this thread for. You will leave us convinced that you were merely seeking a soapbox to broadcast from.

  27. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:23 PM

    Declined to answer then because you can’t! Say no more because silence speaks volumes

  28. mildredpilchard
    Feb 8, 2014, 3:25 PM

    Err nope timethief, you have neither confirmed nor denied that the link I sent you belongs to wordpress ie YOU


    Does it or not?

  29. I don’t give a toss what you think and no one else will either until you follow the instructions and complete the form. Until your act on that there is no complaint.

    I know for a fact they teach reading comprehension skills in the UK at the public school level. As I see no indication of higher learning in your responses and as the complaint form is a simple document that any school kid could master, I’m sure you can manage to complete it any time you want to.

    1. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:29 PM

      Is this a wordpress blog or not??? what is difficult about that question to answer and I will re-phrase it to make it as simple as possible

      HERE YOU ARE –


      DOES IT SAY wordpress at the end or not? Am I blind now too because I can get my dog to read it to me if it doesn’t

    2. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:31 PM

      Flipping useless waste of time if you ask me – a tip for ya, don’t bite the hand that feeds ya cos some of you are suffering the recession more than others

      Oh, don’t you know who I am?

    3. If and when you complete the form I provided the link to above more than once now http://wordpress.com/complaints/ your issue will move forward. If you fail to do that the complaint does not exist.

      Click the link and locate the court order address please. Court orders: Official, signed court orders can be emailed to

    4. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:37 PM

      Oh did I not already say the form spewed this out = there is a fault with your reporting system. Bah

      Still not a single reply to my ONE question – not too taxing for you I hope?

      OK here goes in baby language – does a blog ending in wordpress belong to you?

      Yes or no will be the answer

      Give mummy a yes or a nod, or give mummy a no a shake of the head, there’s a good baby, mummy loves you – here’s a biscuit for being a good baby

    5. Thanks so much for convincing me that you do not have a serious issue that merits the completion of a complaint form. This thread is tagged for closure.

    6. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:42 PM

      OK I have yet again=yawn tried to submit this it goes from submit to immediately validating and it quite obviously is not getting through to wordpress – a fault?

      Not my fault because I have tried submitting lots and lots – next excuse?

    7. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:43 PM


    8. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:46 PM

      Oh carry on and close this down , I notice the other participant soon elected to leave lol.

      Much to hide? = yes

      Protectors = yes

      Draw attention to your wordpress = yes

      Over to you

      Auf Viederhoeren

    9. Oh, Yorkshire. That explains it.

    10. I can access and complete the form at http://wordpress.com/complaints/ using Chrome 32, IE 11 and Firefox 26. My husband and 2 employees here can also access it. However, we have no court order so we won’t be emailing. Here’s what I’ll do for you. I’ll copy and paste the form here for you.

      We host millions of blogs on WordPress.com. We have no control over what content our users decide to post on their blogs, but we do have a set of rules about what content is and isn’t acceptable on our service. If you have an issue with a blog on our system, please select one of the following to route your complaint:
      Spam blogs: Please this form to report spam blogs. We will immediately suspend any spam blogs.
      Mature blogs: Please use this form to report blogs with mature topics (erotica, porn, etc). Mature blogs are welcome on WordPress.com, but we will mark them in our system so they don’t show up in public listings.
      Copyright violations: If one of our blogs features your copyright protected material (and you did not authorize your content to be published by the blog in question), please use our DMCA reporting process.
      Defamation, abuse, threats: We suspend content for inciting violence or threatening or impersonating a private person. Please see our abuse process for more information.
      Court orders: Official, signed court orders can be emailed to court-orders@wordpress.com.
      Law enforcement: If you are a member of a law enforcement agency, please contact us at law-enforcement@wordpress.com.


    12. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 3:58 PM

      yeah raincoaster you carry on talking like you know what you are on abbart eh?

      Well timethief my windows 8 don’t want to entertain you, I found that part just fine thanks, maybe Bill Gates needs a tug eh?

      PS you only had to say to use Google Chrome

    13. We just booted up my old Windows XP PC. My employee used IE8 and had zero trouble reading what I posted here in this thread and accessing the form either when compatibility mode was enabled or disabled.

    14. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 4:04 PM

      I have no idea of what you are talking about – ASGARD wtf??

      Anyway you can still answer my question, Google or no Goggle!

      We don’t all reside in America, thankfully.

    15. They are currently booting Windows 8 and I’m expecting there won’t be any issue with it either. Moreover, all you need is this Court orders: Official, signed court orders can be emailed to court-orders@wordpress.com.
      So you’re dismissed.

    16. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 4:07 PM

      Well perhaps it’s my Norton but one thing’s for sure it flicks over to validating at the speed of lightening, tomorrow I will record it with my phone so you can see. Will that appease you??

      Oh and you didn’t answer my question yet, why would that be??

    17. mildredpilchard
      Feb 8, 2014, 4:09 PM

      Yes I could post it onto You Tube so the world and its uncle can see – just so they don’t make the same mistake of course

      Night Then, you have not answered my question nor taken any action. You are quite simply……

    18. An ellipsis abuser? A Yorkshirian? Don’t keep us in suspense!

    19. You have been provided with everything you need to make your complaint, which appears to be a very low priority to you given what you have posted here. However, if you want to keep bumping this thread then we can do that. I wouldn’t to leave you all alone and suffering here because you lack what it takes to email the correct Staff department because that wouldn’t be nice.

    20. Virt, I like your style.

    21. Seconded.

Some days, in the tech support forum, you’re just like…



Operation Global Media Domination: The Bright Side of the Dark Side

The Dark Lord welcomes you, recruit

The Dark Lord welcomes you, recruit

Before there was Voldemort, there was Vader. And before there was Vader, the world knew another as “The Dark Lord,” and I’m not even talking about Conrad Black.

He lives yet.

In fact, he owns Gawker.

And today, he broke me.

After how many years of me refusing to write for him for free (while still contributing thousands of words a week in the form of snippy comments and tips) tonight I finally gave in and….Kinja‘d. Twice!

It was…scary.

But it’s about the highest-profile outlet I have since I let this poor blog peter down to virtually nothing, so I posted a couple of articles that have had, through no fault of their own, failed to find a home.

Relive the Cold War for Fun and Profit:

how the Russian government hacked the US energy industry, and why the Ukrainian uprising might make the entire three-year project entirely moot


Snitching for Dollars: The BSA wants you to rat out your boss!

In my own defence, it did take something like eight years to wear me down. Should the posts get zero momentum despite being on a Gawker platform, the experiment will not be repeated. While I was at it, I updated my Media and Public Speaking page. You know I’m all about Operation Global Media Domination! Now, bring me that audience!

Hail Vader! Hail Operation Global Media Domination!

Hail Vader! Hail Operation Global Media Domination!

Hot Dog Legs has Legs

Octodogs are eight times as hawt

Octodogs are eight times as hawt

What does it take to create a Tumblr that’s destined to go viral? Apparently it takes either: a) a Snooki-brown tan, a modicum of body oil, a good waxer, and an absence of visible musculature OR b) meat by-products.

Insert post-feminist joke here.

Hot Dog Legs is the very latest in one-joke virality, the new star in the firmament which already contains Jay Z’s 99 problems and exploding actresses, among many, many others. Hey, it’s Summer, don’t over-think things!

This Tumblr doesn’t even have any words to process, so there’s no risk of brain overheating. The concept is simple: photograph after photograph of the “same” thing. Are they hot dogs, or are they legs? Is that self-tanner or natural? Are those smokies or cheddar-stuffed? What does this say about the objectification of women and the human beings as meat metaphor? I don’t know, pass me another Margarita.

There is, it must be said, something about these photos that brings to mind cheap sunglasses, menthol cigarettes, and calories ingested in liquid form.

The post-literate simplicity of the site has not interfered with its popularity (to continue with the Snooki comparison). Their Facebook fan page was created less than a month ago, on July 28, and still has 3,186 Likes. The page’s own Likes include Gawker media, Sausages, 7-11, and the infamous, and apparently horsemeat-containing Ikea hot dog.

A few notes for aspiring legs and hot dogs: corn dogs will never work, because ain’t nobody got a complexion that bad. An even tan is essential, as is skin thick enough that the veins don’t show through. Don’t even think about trying this if you haven’t shaved or waxed recently, even if you’re blonde. There will be zero crossover between this blog and, say, FuckYeahHairyLegs, although the respective models might be interested in exchanging phone numbers.