The Canadian Justice System explained

By Ricky of the Trailer Park Boys. See, it’s not just our prisons that are more humane, it’s our courts too!

5 thoughts on “The Canadian Justice System explained

  1. It’s fine now though. Check yours; I know that the other day I put one in and WordPress somehow gibbled up the coding. Clean out your code and all will be well.

  2. Dear Regen=Coaster

    As Trinity said to Neo … it’s the question that drives us :

    Ex Canada semper aliquid novi

    what charges were the Accused facing

    was Richard allowed a cigarette break – if not, why not

    did any of them have a Public Defender

    How did der Prozess end

    Is Cthulu a Tree OktoPus

    If this is a question, what is the answer ????

    Your obedient servant etc


  3. Mr. E. Squire (Gleneagle)

    More correctly: Canada liquidum nova est (English; Canada: Now in new liquid form!)

    Knowing the TPBs as I do, probably malicious hanging around with intent to do nothing.

    Of course Ricky was allowed a smoke break–and given $18k to decorate the smoking area too. If it’s good enough for the judge

    It all worked out in the end, but you musn’t ask how, ‘cos it’s naughty.

    Ctulhu is more octopussy than Octo-Hello-Kitty. And definitely Moore so than Maud Wikstrom.

    The answer is this: that the answer is what it is.

    Hope that clears everything up.

  4. It will after I break into Lydia’s stash. Give me a few minutes.

    Does one get the sense that the Trailer Park Boys is one of those phenomena that do not travel well? I’m trying to find the episode where they find the cougar that’s gotten addicted to grazing in their pot field and Bubbles puts him under the trailer and tries to detox him, but he gets out and eats Leahy’s viagra burgers…it’s just so typically Canadian…

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