happy bloggiversary to me!

Happy Bloggiversary to moi!

Yeah. So. Given the technical issues over the past couple of days which I have not mentioned here strictly out of my concern for your joyful blog-perusing experience (because lo, we are all about thee on the ol’ raincoaster blog, I tell ya), I am not quite as thrilled and indeed substantially more downcast than I should be to be celebrating the first bloggiversary of the ol’ raincoaster blog.

Maybe that’s because I’ve had two hours of sleep. Maybe it’s just because I can’t afford anything less virtual or more celebratory than a jpg.

I know: I have a $1 gift certificate for Timmy’s, so tomorrow we paint the town chocolate-glazed! < /whine>

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12 thoughts on “happy bloggiversary to me!

  1. congrats! your blog is younger than mine by about 2 months, and garnered 10 times the amount of total hits it has. life is unfair, la la la… :P

  2. sulz, you’re nowhere near the blogpimp that I am. You have to be legally 35 before you’re allowed to whore out your blog, under US statutes. Not many people know this.


  3. Good God–you mean there’s going to be more?

    I thought you were just doing this as a condition of your parole, or that you’d found a way to screw with the terms of community service or something.

    Well, congratulations on a year of thoroughly dubious achievement.

  4. JUST ONE! Good God raincoaster. How have you managed to achieve such vertiginously frightening prominence in such a short time! CONGRATULATONS!

    A clink of the virtual champagne glass jpeg to thee!

    (By the way, I don’t know how you do it ((on two hours sleep!)) and keep your sense of humor. I’ve just come from the WordPress forums where, of course, your patient and always helpful advice is always on display, no matter how infuriating the blockheaded questions ((including my own)) can often be.)

    Everybody needs more raincoaster. Let’s do another year!

  5. davidbdale, will you marry me?

    Thanks all. I’m an incurable blogger, thanks to the highly suspect advice of one Dale McGladdery who in something like the year 10 Million BC told me I should start a blog. I didn’t get around to doing that until 2002, when I started Terminal City at Diary-X. Once that went kaput, I moved to WordPress, also on Dale’s advice, where I’ve been making a nuisance of myself ever since.

    Dale, watch your back; that Matt’s got a mean glint in his eye and a reason to hate you.

    This blog’s only been around a year, and the URL raincoaster.com has only been around since October, when WordPress.com gave it to me, no doubt hoping I’d put it in my carpetbag and go annoy someone else. That I’ve so far failed to do that is, I’m sure, driving them to drink (although from the looks of them none of them are old enough).

  6. Congrats!

    I added you to my blogroll in the early days and it’s been all good ever since- now if you could just gently steer some traffic my way


  7. Lorelle doesn’t answer her pages anymore. She must have an intern, or a restraining order or sumpin.

    Can I steer traffic your way? Unfortunately, the funnelling effect towards the sidebar is not what I’d hoped it would be, which is too bad, because every blog there has caught my eye for a different but very good reason. I’ll go away and dream up something in the underground laboratory bunker and Igor will let you know what I come up with.

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