A New Year’s Prayer from Jeff Buckley

This was Jack Kerouac, every single day

This was Jack Kerouac, every single day

The more I see/hear/read of this guy, the better I like him. Yes, some true abominations have been done in his name (including the entire genre of hipster music; you know what I’m talking about: I’m talking about the soundtrack of Juno, that’s what I’m talking about) but as with Hunter S. Thompson and William Falkner, the original emanates such pure, numinous quality that it nearly absolves the wannabes from their failure, because everybody can understand wanting a piece of that, however second-hand and degraded.

via CelluloidBlonde


5 thoughts on “A New Year’s Prayer from Jeff Buckley

  1. Pingback: Anderson Cooper’s Rude Awakening | lolebrity

  2. Git out! Really? Wow, I am envious.

    I had the chance to see Nirvana before they got huge, when they were still playing coffee-house-sized venues. None of my friends would go with me, so I stayed home. Later, I decided I needed new friends. Even later, I decided I needed the courage to go anywhere alone, and it took me years but I got there. Cobain was dead by then.

  3. Pingback: Chihuahorror for Kurt Cobain « raincoaster

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