Attack of the Tiny Giant Squid


Animated Squid

squid attack

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18 thoughts on “Attack of the Tiny Giant Squid

  1. AarrGh

    There are some concepts that the frail Male Mind cannot comprehend

    May the Pink Unicorn protect us

    Buddhism is an unappealing religion – if true (which is not admitted), how many would face the Kharma of being reincarnated as prawn suppers for Giant Squid …. or worse, as AmeriKans

  2. Pingback: Not Fhtagning « Archies Archive

  3. Eeek! G Eagle, what a horrible thought!

    Philipa, I don’t think I could. All male appendages retract automatically when I approach, like turtle heads.

  4. I’m entranced. But I can’t quite figure out what’s getting gotten in the bottom one. Is that a prawn? (Okay, I admit that reading “pwned” in the context of sea life makes me think “prawned.”)

  5. …. or worse

    as Generously-Proportioned Amerikan Suppers for Tree Oktopodia on Monsieur Metro’s Theme Park

    Is her Grace able to reassure us that no animal was harmed in the making of this Video

  6. Yes, it is a prawn, otherwise known as the Fungi from Yuggoth. It’s a little-known fact that they feed off the ink on graph paper.

    G Eagle, I can assure you that no terrestrial animal was harmed in the making of this video. Does that make it better?

  7. Your Grace


    We’re all Doomed

    There is indeed more …. much more

    The Pink Unicorn is about to devastate Vestern Cthivilisation

    * Herds of Tree Oktopodia will roam over Obama-Favouring States, hungering after generously-weighted American Voters & prawn-eaters

    * ever-Higher Petrol Prices will roam over the whole United States and over all US allies

    “To every injustice,
    there is justice”

    per Bertrand Russell, quoting the most ancient fragment of Greek Philosophy


    We’re all doomed

    Beware the invisible Pink Unicorn

    Yr Grace’s obedient servant etc


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