cooking salmon in your dishwasher

Salmon, ready for duty!‘Round these parts I am the dishwasher, but I recall the glory days when I had one of these handy, if energy-spendthriftish, machines. It did indeed make a nice poached salmon, as the Surreal Gourmet claims and every BCer could tell you.

Actually, the best alternative use of a dishwasher was the one the techs at Starbucks came up with. When the dishwashers died (as they all must) they converted them into salmon smokers, and they worked beautifully, too. Wood chips in the engine compartment, salmon on the racks, the whole thing clad in airtight stainless steel; it was perfect.

In any case, here, via BoingBoing, is the immortal “How to Poach a Salmon in Your Dishwasher” recipe, from the Surreal Gourmet.

Poaching fish in the dishwasher is a virtually Now THAT is a salmon!foolproof way to shock your friends, prepare a succulent meal and do the dishes — all at the same time. I’ve poached salmon in more than 100 dishwashers on three continents. There’s never been a dull party.

It all started with the release of my last book, The Surreal Gourmet Entertains. To promote it, I traveled the globe throwing spontaneous dinner parties wherever I could rustle up a kitchen and a willing audience. The hazard of having a good publicist, however, is that guests tend to arrive with impossibly high expectations. Instead of trying to compete with their fantasies, I countered by turning an urban legend into a practical cooking method. My kitchen resembled a mad laboratory as I pushed my dishwasher well beyond the uses covered by its limited warranty. With a minimum of collateral damage, the process of testing and tweaking the following technique was good fun and yielded results that even surprised me.

As it happens, salmon’s very forgiving. Although temperature and cycle durations vary with each machine, a little more or less “washing” doesn’t greatly affect the results. To heighten the drama — and prove that you have nothing up your sleeve — let your dinner guests crowd around the dishwasher when you load the fish. Then, when the cycle’s complete, invite them back to witness the unloading.

Here’s all you need to know to set your doubts aside, put dinner in the dishwasher and watch your multitasking kitchen appliance steal the show.

Poached Salmon

5 thoughts on “cooking salmon in your dishwasher

  1. Pingback: “Honey, Can You Open the Dishwasher and Check the Salmon?” « Tell It Like It Is

  2. Pingback: Justin went to check out Buffalo » Oct. Travel report for Vandia

  3. When someone first told me he’d poached fish in his dishwasher, I thought he was sh*tting me. Then I saw an episode of The Surreal Gourmet where he made a meal using the heat from the engine of his truck. I then started to believe in the dishwasher poaching thing. Since then, I’ve heard other people claim they’ve poached fish in the dishwasher. Not the best use of resources, IMO, but a definite conversation starter.

  4. It totally works; I heard of this long before the Surreal Gourmet put out a book. Also check out the cookbook Manifold Destiny, which is about how to cook food in your car’s engine. Apparently the best car for cooking is a Jaguar, because of the long, flat, hot surface. Porsches are terrible, but they can sear “911” backwards into your steak very nicely.

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