Daniel Radcliffe in Equus

and yes, he and the horse are both nekkid. Here’s the poster: don’t say I never did nuthin’ for ya, but if this turns you on I think you need to seek some help pronto Tonto!

Daniel Radcliffe in Equus

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63 thoughts on “Daniel Radcliffe in Equus

  1. Obviously. Duh.

    But the “ew” factor is appropriate, if you know the plot of Equus. If he can pull it off, he’s more of an actor than I gave him credit for being. Still, it’s genius of him to take the part, because it will utterly put paid to typecasting for him. This has gotten a LOT of publicity.

  2. Oh, and I must take responsibility for the rain. I hung my laundry out to dry a week ago and BAM! God must have noticed. At this point I think I’ll have to take it in and re-wash it, just because of all the crap in Vancouver’s rain.

  3. I once saw this play performed — it’s mighty intense.

    Radcliffe is doing what every actor stuck in a series of movies should do — break typecasting. Now, this is a rather extreme route to go…he could have just done a romantic comedy.

  4. Agreed, but a romcom would just perpetuate aspects of the Harry Potter character, don’t you think? Particularly after the last movie. I’m glad to see him take this on, and I’m sure it’ll be good for his career ultimately, AND that it will absolutely enrage a significant segment of his fandom, which is also not a bad thing if you can afford a bodyguard for say, six months. And he WILL need them, if I know anything about fans.

  5. welll now that it’s on u can’t really say ewwww it’s kinda cool and if the guy wants to have sex on stage his deal sure it’s wrong but … think of that ;)

  6. On that forum? I’d be accused of preferring an obvious hunter-type crossbred to the greatest thoroughbred of all time. They would tear me apart. You know so little of rabid fandom.

    Lucky you.

  7. I do not understand what all the fuss is about, it is a nice piece of art, very tasteful, not revealing at all, and if we did not who it was, you would never guess.

  8. Oh, I don’t think there is real outrage: I think people are using “oh goodness, it’s Harry Potter, how shocking” to cover the fact that they really REALLY want to see him naked.

  9. being someone who’s actually seen this play, i think it’s an awesome poster. yes, it’s raw and in your face, but wait until you see the play. i am a danel radcliffe fan and i’m excited about this for him. and he looks great, can’t argue there! i wish i could go see this play.

  10. yo diego que daniel radcliffe es muy bueno pero no se, ese hombre tiene ya tanto dinero en harry potter que para que quiere mas. es buen actor, yo vi la obra de teatro por el youtube pero no la termine de ver. espero que venga a U.A.G para verla.

  11. Give me a break; there’s a picture of him naked on this very blog (as a link, and it’s photoshopped). That’s what the Daniel Radcliffe tag is for. And anyone who can find Google and figure out how to turn Safe Search off can find the pix of him onstage.

    But by leaving your email up there, I do ensure you’ll get tons of spam, so that’s fine then.

  12. saw the plaw with radcliffe in it…. he pretty must destroyed his role as harry potter… he has certainly grown up.. and yes in this role he was amazing…. so good in fact… for the remainder of the play, (he was naked) but you completely forgot about that becauseof the intensity of the scenes and his acting. a MUST see

  13. Glad to hear it. He is signed up for the last HP films, but it’s good that he busted the typecasting by taking this on and he’s aquitted himself well.

  14. well i think it’s really cool seeing him naked makes macho! he Hot some just won’t admit it ! He’s really gorgeous and sexy and looks more mature…

    More Power Dan!

    (Die Hard Harry Potter Fan!)

  15. 13?… Even 16 would be slightly more appropriate haha… but I can’t blame Hex…
    I think this poster is awesome! At first glance I didn’t even realise anything unusual. It has been well designed, serving it’s purpose perfectly! Simple, but effective! Daniel Radcliffe wins at life and is definately my favourite person ever!

  16. What in the hell happend to you? You know ican forgive a mistake 1 or2 times but if that ever happens again i will lose all respect for you. I know im just silly 13 year old but fro0m the pictues on google i know thats not good. plese don’t do any thing stupedagain.

  17. You ARE a silly 13 year old. Daniel Radcliffe is a 17 year old who has gotten some very good career advice. The play is art. Who cares if it isn’t something you think Harry Potter should be doing?

  18. wow nice pic…i finally get it..its a horse face and then him…it looked really nasty when i first saw it but i get it now

  19. wow! hey for the 13 year girl a little advice: he’s 18,famous and cute! anyways it’s so hard 2 belive a few years ago he was a little no-body (i’m simply quoting him people) and now he’s a international celeb!

  20. The play sounds so good. I think the reviews all focus way to much on the fact that Dan is naked, though, and not enough on his co-star Richard Griffiths.

  21. Pingback: Harry Potter and the treasure trail of statutory doom « raincoaster

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