quiz: which Narnia character are you?

I would just like to point out that I scored just as high in Aslanishness as in Edmundification, for reference and so there, nyeah.

You scored as Edmund Pevensie. You are Edmund Pevensie. You are always getting into trouble and have a taste for “sweeties.” You care for animals, sometimes more than your family, and dislike criticism and bossiness. You can be very sarcastic and sometimes mean. Although your priorities shift, your heart ends up in the right place.

Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Jadis, The White Witch
Susan Pevensie

Which “Narnia” character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

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16 thoughts on “quiz: which Narnia character are you?

  1. You scored as Peter Pevensie.
    You scored as Peter Pevensie.

    You are the eldest Pevensie, Peter. You are gifted with skills in battle and resourcefulness. Your instincts serve you well and tell you when to fight and when not to. You always look out for your loved ones. You do have a tendency to be annoyed easily.

    Peter Pevensie


    Lucy Pevensie


    Edmund Pevensie




    Susan Pevensie


    Jadis, The White Witch


  2. The Marchioness

    Your Grace

    The Kindly Aslan Rules. yaBash

    Yr (& the Great Lion’s) ob servt etc
    G Eagle

  3. You are the eldest Pevensie, Peter. You are gifted with skills in battle and resourcefulness. Your instincts serve you well and tell you when to fight and when not to. You always look out for your loved ones. You do have a tendency to be annoyed easily.

    Peter Pevensie 90%
    Lucy Pevensie 85%
    Susan Pevensie 85%
    Edmund Pevensie 70%
    Aslan 60%
    Jadis, The White Witch 50%

    And here I thought I was much more like Puddleglum, or perhaps Caspian. Wonder why they didn’t turn up on the list, eh?

  4. Timethief has multiple personality disorder, but since they’re generally positive it’s hard to say whether or not that’s a problem!

    Metro, Metro, Metro, what are we going to do with you? This was obviously a LWW-specific quiz. If you’re going to open it up to the other books I’d have to say you’re far more a Cor than a Caspian.

    For that matter, I’m more of a Bree than an Edmund, fo sho.

  5. I’m hoping to find a more bookish one that incorporates all of the Chronicles. I was looking for a Narnian reference the other day and actually opened Google when I realized that the books were sitting right beside the computer and I could simply READ IT IN THE BOOK. Somehow that seemed novel.
    So to speak.

  6. Wow–dude. You surf paperspace? So you’re like, all hardcore with this reading and $#!7, eh?

    Can you code for paperbacks too?

  7. Pingback: Quiz: Which The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Character are you? « raincoaster

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