Manifest Idiocy

Canada America Done Right

The Guardian has been doing a virtual world tour of literature, and recently they featured Canada. In fact, the blog comments, meant to be a roundup of readers' favorite Canadian books, featured James Sherrett's book Up in Ontario(over there in the blogroll), so kudos to him, whatever kudos are. I hope they're chewy and taste like peanut butter fudge dipped in chocolate, but probably it's just a euphemism for a boring plaque and an arrangement of silk flowers or something.

In any case, the editor in charge may have many good points. He/She/It may be a great humanitarian, kind to the elderly, charitable, hospitable, and good with children and animals.

I. Don't. Give. A. Rat's. Ass.

I want the editor disciplined. I want the editor publicly named and shamed. I want the editor to be forced to cover Groundhog Day from Wiarton next year. I want the editor to be compelled at hockeystick-point to read all of Pierre Berton's interminable late-career mumblings. Read through this and see if you can't spot the wee little problem I have with this clueless fucking foreigner:

Whither Canada
By Richard Lea/World literature tour

Thanks to you all, the world literature tour is going from strength to strength. After Finland and Poland came the Czech Republic, where alongside the Kundera and the Klima there were recommendations for Bohumil Hrabal, poems by Jaroslav Seifert, plays by Karel Capek and many, many more. There was even time for some strong words on the exclusion of Kafka
Richard was not alone in wanting to "take issue" with the decision,
complaining that we'd become confused between country and language.
Many thanks for all your contributions.

This month we can confidently predict there will be no
such confusion, as with one great leap the world literature tour
crosses the ocean and heads for Canada. Beating off strong challenges from India and Japan, we are heading for the frozen north. With suggestions ranging from Sweden to St Lucia the nominations took an increasingly personal note, with Babak voting for the country of "Tom Stoppard" and a number of anti-Atwood
protests. So much so that I'd like to declare an Atwood amnesty here
and now – any and all of your Atwood suggestions will be gratefully

And don't forget to keep your nominations for next
month's destination coming – after a month up by the Arctic circle
would you all mind if I suggested a little sunshine? Unless there's
anyone else who feels like heading for Stoppard country out there …

Vermont Maple Leaves

Photograph: Toby Talbot/AP

caption: Sweet dreams…Maple leaves in Vermont

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