quiz: what’s your Egyptian zodiac sign?

Yeah, I know. We’ve had a raging snotload of quizzes lately, but a) they’re great for generating comments and b) when I did this one I was so shocked at the accuracy that I just have to post it, so there nyeah. Strangely, I actually know a woman who practices the ancient Egyptian religion. I wonder if she’s done this one.

Stolen from Dykewife, who stole it from Morganor.



  Clever, fatalist, deep. Sympathetic, generous, loving and perseverant in proving their view point

  Colors: male: sienna, female: crimson
Compatible Signs:
Bastet, Isis
May 8 – May 27, Jun 29 – Jul 13

  Role: God of death and mummification
Jackal or a jackal-headed man
Sacred animals:

What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock’s Quizzles and Quandaries

17 thoughts on “quiz: what’s your Egyptian zodiac sign?

  1. THis one is stupid I `m a cat woman or something , hardly .
    Awwwwww Raincoaster you want to be a mummy and you have an affinity for jackals , not so very suprising is it . I do not want to be around when your project succeeds

    Aren`t you getting a bit two dimensional by the way ? I worry .
    Incidentally I went to Egypt , as ya do , and I like there religion it was abit like modern Hinduisim which I also approve of . Much better attitude to women and sex than the boring old monotheists

  2. Not the Egyptians Raincoaster the Muslims are just Arabs who live there and if you meet the Coptic Christians they really do look like the paintings with big sloping eyes and quite a different skin colour . I travelled down the nile looking at the temples and so on like all the other tourists . As you get a sense of it , the rituals and metaphysics the Ancient egyptian religion sems really quite attractive

    You ought to do it some day it is .

    As for the Moooslims you know very well I think they are plague

  3. I wouldn’t know, actually. Let me see if I understand you: the Christian Egyptians are pretty; the old, dead pagans had the right idea; the living majority of Egyptians are a plague.
    Why, exactly, do you think you’re electable again? Remind me.

  4. That about sums it up Mz Coaster but if you think that expressing dislike of islam is an electoral Liability ( here) then you had better remind the Labour Cabinet who have been a lot more outspoken that the Conservatives. Au contraire Ma petiite

    Whats it like in Canada , big loaf of sliced white bread isn`t it

  5. newmania, is it possible you could be more of a twit? I think not. I particularly enjoy your superior attitude towards immigrants and foreigners, given that you, yourself, appear to have English as a second language.

  6. Mlle Regen=Coaster la Sympathetique

    You might perhaps enjoy visiting my Friend “Remittance Man” & his Zuid Afrikan Blog – he is well-worth Copying, because he well-deserves a wider Audience, although I expect your courtesy would require you first to ask his Consent for this

    Currently, he has a very witty Comment on the 1914 von Schlieffen Plan

    Apparently instead of invading France, 80% of the German Army noisily invaded Poland in search of Sweet (or was it Dry ?) Champagne und Plain (or was it Milk) Belgian Schokolade foir the Kaiser’s ungrateful Femme

    Hence the failure to follow von Schlieffen’s Dying Words (“make the right flank strong”) and the consequent Kaputtness of the German attack on Paris in 1914

    You will find him immediately above your Name in the Anglo=sphere Blogs, recommended by the sagacious on Iain Dale’s Blog

    Tot siens

    G E

  7. @Newmania:
    Presumably you’ve always favoured home rule for Ireland as well? After all, the original inhabitants were Catholic, before they got invaded by some heathen foreigners who eventually started worshipping their own king.

    For what it’s worth, I turned out to be Isis. Not sure quite what that means but there’s something there about Isis’ son being protector of the liver, which is probably a damn good thing. Though as I understand it the liver concerned is off in a jar somewhere, so maybe not.

  8. If you know the story, it’s WAAAAY better than being Osiris, trust me.

    But I think I have the best one; I get to lead the dead souls to judgement, no doubt snickering the whole time, “I bet you feel pretty stupid now about that night in ’89, eh?”

  9. You do drag that insult out with wearisome regularity don`t you R. My point was that you are in a very poor position to know or understand much about racial and cultural tensions as they affect the UK. Scarcely an inslut under the circumstances.It really doesn`t matter much one way or the other , anyway.
    The point on Egypt was only one of interest in that the Christians there are very distinct and are directly descended for the Ancients. I thought it was interesting anyway

    Metro , I think most English people would be delighted if Home Rule could be arranged for Ireland . The protestant Scots don`t seem to want it . It would save on us getting bombed an such; which would be nice.

  10. newmania, I insult you so regularly because you so regularly display the arrogance of ignorance and a comically prideful bigotry.
    You know nothing of my background, nothing of my knowledge of racial politics in the UK, nothing about Canada, nothing whatsoever about the cultural milieu where I live, and, apparently, nothing about half of the links in my blogroll. I suggest you check some of them out.
    No remarks of mine here were on the topic of racial or cultural tensions in the UK. We are talking about Egypt. It is quite different, and full of Muslims, as you should, but apparently do not, know. I was two months away from taking a degree at the American University in Cairo when my mother was forced to leave the Middle East. I asked why you thought you were electable simply because you say the most incredibly impolitic things with relentless regularity.
    So are you saying you’re running on a bigotry slate and that you expect to win?

  11. I can`t see what you are so angry about really R . I did live in Canada for a year actually but I wouldn`t pretend to know much about it , or you. This seems a reasonable way to go through life to me.
    Sorry to be so comically prideful, I `ll have to watch that

  12. Ah! Newmania – I’m catwoman too! Bastet is the name of the… what was it?
    Yeah Bastet.
    You look for balance and harmony, anxious, devoted. Often rash and impatient.
    Colors: male: yellow ochre, female: grey
    Compatible Signs: Sekhmet, Horus
    Role: Goddess of cats, women, and secrets
    Appearance: Cat or cat-headed woman
    Sacred animals: cat

    So I’m a grey, anxious woman with a cat. Gee I’m really underwhelmed.

    I went to Egypt too and I went to the Cairo museum, King Tuts stuff was well worth seeing.

  13. The quiz said I was Horus

    Sparkling personality, intense will, intelligent, understanding, impatient to exert influence.

    Colors: male: red carmine, female: gold
    Compatible Signs: Bastet, Geb
    Dates: Apr 20 – May 7, Aug 12 – Aug 19

    Role: God of the pharaoh
    Appearance: Form of a falcon-headed man, wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt

    I like this particular sign.


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