Terrified of losing your election? Try Incarcerex!

I’m pretty sure all the American presidential candidates are on this stuff. Yet another reason to draft Gore!

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26 thoughts on “Terrified of losing your election? Try Incarcerex!

  1. Pingback: Thursday - WordPress PoliSci « oldephartteintraining

  2. I have an alternative that would be almost sure to give any Democrat (and at least two Republican) presidential candidates 51 percent of the popular and electoral vote: a campaign promise, if elected, to turn over Dubya, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Rumsfeld and Gonzalez to the Hague to stand trial on war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    Sure, it’d polarize American society and raise all sorts of sturm und drang over surrendering control over our affairs to that hobgoblin “world government,” but it would also generate a majority vote instead of a plurality – an almost nonexistant phenomenon in American politics.

  3. Nah, I’m anti-capital punishment. It’s all “become the monster”. I say make them live with the knowledge that they are despised by the entire world.

  4. Bonjour M Metro

    … and what’s wrong with Cuventry (as it is pronounced in these parts)

    If we have the good fortune of your et Mme Metrro coing over next year, you will certainly be sent to Cuventry

    Yr (et Mme Metro’s) obedient servant etc

    G E

  5. I think Milton Keynes will surely be vacant by the time the suspects are handed over. And who in their right mind would wish to live there?

  6. What are you talking about? Everyone loves Milton Keynes. I loved his work on leveraging government debt, and that long poem thingy with Satan in it? That had real promise.

  7. Are you sure you don’t mean John Maynard Keynes?

    Certainly it would be difficult to confine the entire Bush Administartion in John Maynard Keynes, but it would certainly be worth the attempt, at least on pay-per-view.

  8. Metro, you appear to have misplaced your senses of humour and perspective. Please retrace your steps and locate them immediately.

    Also, you only got HALF that joke, if that.

  9. Those are two semesters more than anyone needs, really. It’s kind of the Astrology of the sciences. Just make shit up; nobody can tell, and it’s probably as accurate as anything out there.

  10. I learned more economics in three undergrad years and one year of grad school history than in either of those semesters, which unfortunately gives me a slightly Marxist (read as ‘assuming the worst of man’) take on applied economics

  11. You know what irritates me about this video? Now I’ve got a stupid REM song stuck in my head. Is there a creature on Earth as irritating as Michael Stipe? I rather think not. If you’re gonna rock the chemo style, just fucking die already, wouldja?

  12. Oh, I got both jokes, but I wasn’t certain the second one was meant to be funny ;-)

    Anyone who’s ever had to deal with student loans should take at least one course in economics. And there’s nothing wrong with Michael Stipe that almost any other frontman hasn’t had to deal with: It’s not that he’s shaved his head, it’s that after all those years of being taken uber-seriously for being a fairly talented entertainer, his hair doesn’t fit.

  13. No, people. No.

    Stipe has been playing the “maybe I have AIDs, maybe I don’t, pity me anyway” game for far, far too many years now. As someone who was actually once critically ill, I reserve the right to resent those who use illness as a fashion accessory and most particularly those who do so when they aren’t even sick. Michael Stipe is a self-absorbed ass who deserves a good kicking.

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