quiz: how evil is your blog?

This just cannot be right. Stolen from Wandering Coyote (note crediting source…always a good thing to do…every time you credit a source, an angel gets his wings).

This site is certified 28% EVIL by the Gematriculator

Giant Squid caught on film for Cephalopodmas

I’m not crediting this to anyone, because it seems that everyone but me has already mentioned it. (UPDATE: Metro whined, so he gets credit. But Archie is nicer) But I heard about it straight from the Squid, so there nyeah.


Some 1,000 kilometres south of Tokyo, a giant sea creature lurks beneath the ocean surface.

Japanese scientists at the National Science Museum of Japan caught this big reddish animal on film, during research on habitats in the deep sea.

The three-and-a-halfmetre long squid is still a baby by giant squid standards.

It’s been captured some 650 meters under the water.

[Tsunemi Kunodera, Chief Researcherg]: “Nobody – except for fishermen – had ever seen live giant squids. We believe this is the first time a live giant squid was captured on video.”

This legendary animal hasn’t ever survived capture. Samples are pickled in a container for further research.

Dwelling in the deep seas, these monster squids are believed to grow to a tremendous size… with unconfirmed reports of some up to 20 meters long.

Japanese Scientists are also the first in the world to take still pictures of the squid in its natural environment during 2005.

Billy Idol, Yellin’ at the Christmas Tree

Because I still can’t get the damn podcast to work, and I refust to post the vid of his surgically transformed face producing “Jingle Bell Rock,” surely the most insipid, heartless and banal seasonal tune ever committed to vinyl/digital.