quiz: which Internet Celebrity are you?

Technosailor has designed a clever quiz to suss out your inner Internet Celebrity (via Matt). To be honest, only technology or marketing geeks, or those in close contact with them, will recognize these people. The tech geekosphere is largely a closed system, and it would upset the delicate equilibrium of the open-plan terrarium were we to tap on the glass too aggressively. Let’s face it: raincoaster should be a possible outcome, along with MadV, Mahir, Tionna, Pearl the Landlady, PeterPan, and the Chocolate Rain guy.

Nonetheless, if I have to be a geek, there are worse geeks to be. This one’s almost too nice, and so’s his wife. I’m not actually very much like Chris Pirillo, but I could easily see myself as his evil twin.

Chris Pirillo

You are most like Chris Pirillo!

You are most like Chris Pirillo. You dominate your brand and do quite well in marketing it. However, you go out of the way to place the focus on other people as much as possible as a decision on power and authority. You may have many followers, readers or fans but you rarely let this distract you from your mission and focus.

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11 thoughts on “quiz: which Internet Celebrity are you?

  1. your site – sidebar included – looks wonderful now.


    there should be an ali eteraz category, after all, EVEROYONE on my blog knows me.

  2. You are most like Darren Rowse!

    You are like Darren Rowse. You are relatively mild mannered, confident in how you operate and choose not to “rock the boat”. Your ego does not flair often. Instead, you choose to assist other bloggers as much as possible. In some cases, you may find it to be your mission in life. You do not participate in a large amount of social networking and if you do, you’re not particularly aggressive about “friending” people. To you, it is a waste of time that could be used for more productive things.

  3. See how inside this is? I’ve MET Chris Pirillo and his wife, but while the name is familiar, I dunno who Darren Rowse is.

    Also: damn techies! It’s “flare.”

    Pirillo will always have a place in my heart because he was on a panel and he said, “Look, the A List all say they don’t care about stats. They don’t care, they don’t care. That’s what they SAY. I guarantee you that before they became A List, they cared.”

  4. I actually went to college with Chris. He was a freshman when I was a senior, he and a buddy used to hang around the theatre department a lot. I barely remembered him until I discovered he was “internet famous” then it all came flooding back to me. I emailed him and we had a few exchanges going down memory back when a lot of creative people we knew were all creative as a bunch.
    To confirm…he has been a very super nice geek for a long time, I did remember that much.

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