Merry Christmas, love (?) Sherlock

Merry Christmas from John Watson and Sherlock Holmes

Merry Christmas from John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Are you ready to unwrap the packages?

Sherlock fans (and Johnlock fans) have waited TOO DAMN LONG! Sure, sure, you think waiting 365 days for Christmas is hard? How about waiting almost two full fucking years for a new episode of the iconic BBC series? 15 January 2012 was the last day we had an original Sherlock; since then, some of us have tried sustaining ourselves on a diet of fan fiction, but my diabeetus flared up again and there are only so many “John looked at Sherlock. Sherlock looked at John. Manly man-on-man longing was in every manly glance…” passages you can read before you dissolve into giggles.

Well, our long wait is OVAH!

The BBC has just released a seven minute mini-episode featuring teaser after teaser (although honestly anyone could have spotted that bitch in the saffron, I mean come on!) And it is damn good.

It better be damn good. This will have to sustain us until New Year’s Day.

As for that package-unwrapping referred to in the caption at the top? Well, here it is.

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Hump Day Unicorn Chaser: The Wisdom of Bob Ross

Bob Ross is your Unicorn Chaser for today

Bob Ross is your Unicorn Chaser for today

Didn’t we used to have a tradition on the blog where, on Wednesdays, we posted a delightful little brain cleanser, the Unicorn Chaser? Yes, yes we did. What happened to it? Shit happened, boys and girls, as it is wont to do however little fiber you eat. But today we are bringing it back with these words of wisdom from that great hippie master Bob Ross.

The Weekend Effect

Reverse Dandelion

Reverse Dandelion

I’m feeling somewhat blown myself, recently. Between work burnout and working out burnout, it’s been a very, very tough week. Hopefully the weekend will have this effect on me. I could use some help getting myself back together lately.

Because Monday, I have to come back 100%, and thanks to the timelines of other people, I have to do it by 4am.