All in a Day’s Work

Welcome to the internet. Everything is fine.

Welcome to the internet. Everything is fine.

You meet the funniest people online. This is one of them.

So, I see this guy on Twitter in conversation (okay, snit-fit) with somebody I recognize from the hacker/Anonymous/WikiLeaks circle, I go check out his bio. Turns out he’s Following me, I’m not Following him. I’m so far behind on my Follow Backs that I have no idea how long that’s been the case. But his bio looks interesting and he does not appear to be deranged, just somewhat beleaguered, at least in his opinion. I see disagreement and cross-examination, and references to several people I’ve researched in my line of work, but I don’t see anything freaky or ostentatiously tinfoil hat, like referencing David Ickes. So I follow.

BAM! Instant DM. And another. And another. And it goes something (exactly) like this. Apologies for formatting errors…it’s difficult copy/pasting DMs into WordPress, alas. And mega-apology for the image at the end of the post, but really, there was only one image that summed this guy up, and that was this particular GIF from Begotten,, which is itself a stronger version of the above GIF. The best description of Begotten I ever heard was, “Makes Eraserhead look like Ernest Saves Christmas.” Enjoy?

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

Do you approve of Anon2world’s vile threats and actions? Why do you talk to so many vile trolls?

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

He’s spreading lies about me now about how I’m wanted by police.


I’m a journalist. I talk to EVERYBODY. It’s my job.

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

that’s your response? you didn’t talk to me now did you…the issue isn’t who you talk’s how you talk to them

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

No journalist would trade tweets with a scumbag who has swastikas on his avatar.


Why are you ragging on me? I’m not taking sides in your conflict with him. It’s not my business.


I’m doing an article on UGNazi. How do I do that without researching them?

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

You take their side. I see who you joke with…and you ignore the vile things they’ve done, and my reporting on Lamo and Rauhauser.


dude, before three weeks ago I’d never HEARD of Rauhauser. And I only followed you today, of course I don’t know your writing abt him.


Right now I’m reading your twitter stream specifically to find out what you’ve said about Lamo. Happy? That’s what I was doing when u pinged

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

oh, gimme a break, you’re trading tweets with nearly everyone who has been menacing me..and every other tweet they make is about me.

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

I’m not happy at all. I see you yukking it up with Anon2world and pretending to be dumb. You obviously approve of this menacing or dont care

At that point I surprised Ron by going rogue: I publicly RT’d some of what he’d been saying to me, with “lol” remarks appended. He appeared taken aback entirely, although this is really a very basic Internet Drama 202 move. If you thought he was a mite touchy before, fasten your seatbelt. This is a guy of whose existence I’d known for something like fifteen minutes, remember. Although he’d been Following me longer, he clearly didn’t know who he was dealing with. Whom. WHATEVER.

ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

You are a lowlife, aren’t you. Smearing me publicly instead of responding on DM. Well, i’m naming you in my police report for helping them



ronbrynRon Brynaert@ronbryn

menace me. You should be ashamed of yourself. Acting dumb and then helping smear me, which will make it easier for them to dox my family.

Ron Brynaert@ronbryn

You are sick. And out of your mind. And I plan to name you in the police report. You are helping them break multiple laws, scoundrel.

Ron Brynaert@ronbryn

I’m blocking you. And I’m naming you in my police report. What a wretch you are.

And with that he not only Blocked me, but he made his account Private (nope, just looks that way when I’m signed in now, naughty, naughty Twitter!). Too bad for him he forgot to delete his DMs before doing that. What a pro.

the Begotten begets

the Begotten begets

People like that should not breed.

Update the next day:

Well, would you look at that. He HAS been doxed.


We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

If you are going to bully, lie and try to push people around on the internet for the sake of your own lunacy; Anonymous will be at hand to keep the insane at bay. Ronald Brynaert is one of these bullies and relatively unstable psychologically. His attempts to troll Anonymous operatives and occupy protesters has indeed raised an eyebrow or two within various movements. His tactics are habitually always similar; polite and composed one minute and lashing out with complete disregard for factual evidence the next. Mr. Brynaert’s story is a sad one; once a Raw Story reporter – he now faces legal issues related to that company. Brynaert is also a major suspect in a SWATting case, his voice sounds remarkably like the caller who initiated the SWAT. Just googling his name will illustrate the abnormal frequency of his brain’s operation and the drama that surrounds him. His story is surrounded by counter intel claims and various lies… He is dox’d; enjoy. Hey, we tried to be nice… we really really did. *seriously*


18 thoughts on “All in a Day’s Work

  1. Pingback: Afternoon Links: Rihanna and Chris Brown Hook Up in Bathroom at a Club

  2. He’s a poster boy for obsessing over minutia and carrying grudges. Was always trying to get some shit storm started with Breitbart and Co. Looks like he’s added Manning to his repertoire, or it’s a continuation of an older beef with Lamo. It’s much easier to see that he enjoys having a sense of righteous fury than it is to figure out what he’s being angry about, aside from the perceived slights of others.

  3. I really, really do not understand why anyone thinks he’s a force to be reckoned with. He’s obviously deranged. How is he so different from the gibbernauts I shut down every day?

  4. Ha, he sure did. When I had the time, I was quite the troll, and I’ve been paid as a consultant on internet drama many times. He did not know who he was messing with.

    It shocks me that people consider this man a threat. He’s clearly just one of those white, middle-class, middle-aged male failures who cannot reconcile his self-image with his success level, and has had some kind of psychotic break that makes him blame others. “I’m a white man! I’m an educated, respectable man! IT CANNOT BE ME!!!”

  5. Pingback: DramaSec, weekend edition « raincoaster


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