Operation Global Media Domination: Egg Day

TIADon’t ask me why. Blog works in mysterious ways. But today, if you’ll just scroll down and see, is Egg Day. If you’re feeling generous, you can even include the post from yesterday about the trichinosis worms (I mean, it’s the eggs that getcha, right? and there were millions of the wee buggers, so that’s gotta count for at least one, right?).

But it’s a sure bet that Egg Day is not gonna rock the same hits as Gay Pirate Day.

Yesterday we welcomed many, many intellectuals to our blog; for one thing, they loved to hate on the Margaret Atwood. For another, their searches included Nobel Prize winners, Geoffrey Chaucer, the New Testament, and a poignant question about whether or not The Scorpions still count as celebrities.


On the other hand, today they’re back looking for that elusive Narnia Porn. Other searched-for items included free porn movies of nutty sex yelling sex porn SOMALI SEX MOVIE somali porn movies aslan porn. And Mitsou, but that’s hardly an improvement. So here, for all you pervy, unsatisfied, yet counted-on-an-equal-basis-with-Ernest-Hemingway-scholar fetishists, we present your Narnia fix:


9 thoughts on “Operation Global Media Domination: Egg Day

  1. Pingback: raincoaster » Operation Global Media Domination: Gay Pirates kick Bloggers Ass

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  3. I dont agree with the idea of furry being completely wrong, I mean, in today’s era, sex is openly discussed without taboos; every one have to accept that furry and zoophilia are preferences just as homosexuality and sadoma. Yes, I dont deny many of movies and “art” related to these themes are pornographic and attempt against many ideas of right and wrong but who can say what is and what is not. if you want to further discuss these ideas my mail is here.

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