SETI for illegal aliens

No illegals, no burritos my frien'!Yes, it’s in Texas. The Lone Star State, often called (behind its back) the Lone Brain Cell State, has a new, cybersavvy, distributed, astroturfy initiative designed to protect ‘Merkins from the dreaded Brown Plague.

Crittercams for Mexicans.

As part of the Virtual Neighborhood Border Watch Program, the State of Texas has been testing video surveillance cameras in different environments along the 1240 miles of Texas/Mexico border using the internet to transmit the images. The last stage of the test is to stress the system by providing public access to numerous surveillance cameras.

Thank you for helping test this important capability.

To be part of the program you will need to have a user account. To get a user account click in the blue box on the right side of the screen.

NOTICE: You must turn off any pop-up blockers for this site. You may be asked to update your computer with software that allows you to view the video.
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You could sorta see that last bit coming, couldn’t you?

They certainly try to give the site a down-home feel with the lingo: “Frequenty-asked questions” just for one example. Is this the proper place to mention that I’ve been trying for two days to view a video off Webcameron, and that none of my free players (or, for that matter, the Windows Media Player) will play the damn thing? The only options are all commercial ones: iTunes, Quicktime, and Realplayer (no, I’m not joking, godforsaken Realplayer!). No, I don’t know why my computer won’t play Quicktime, but I’ve re-installed it seven times and it simply will not work on this box. None of my four working video players will touch this file with a ten foot pole. So it looks like I was right: while Cameron may wish to hug hoodies, he has no wish to empower them. Unless, that is, he’s working on a Right to iPod platform: that would definitely get him elected!

Cheney’s got a gun 2: election day!

Elmer Cheney's got a gun!We all remember World Stupidity Award Winner Harry Whittington, the man who apologized for getting his face in the way of Dick Cheney’s bullet? Well, Cheney’s back, and this time it’s impersonal, as the AP reports that he will be locking and loading and setting out to bag him some quarry on November 8, 2006.

Dick Cheney will be packing heat on election day.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Vice President Dick Cheney will spend Election Day on his first hunting trip since he accidentally shot a companion last February while aiming at a covey of quail on a private Texas ranch.

Hey, shot happens!

Michael J. Fox and George Stephanopoulos!!!

The smart/cute brunet dream team! I stole this from The Open Piehole. Watch the video whilst I swoon away in pure delight at two of the nicest, smartest, cutest, leftie, socially-conscious men around.

Take that, Limbaugh, you deluded pillhead!

Europe’s power failing, Saddam Hussein pays the price

TWAT doublespeakSound familiar?

The latest round of TWAT (The War Against Terror) has seen Europe, plagued by sectarian strife and a failure of power, take fatal vengence on former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

From the BBC

Romano Prodi said there was a “contradiction” in having a unified power network but no central authority.

Power failed first in Cologne, Germany, before shutting down across parts of France, Italy, Spain and Austria.

Belgium, the Netherlands and Croatia were also affected.

“My first impression is that there is a contradiction between having European networks but not having a central European authority. It is somewhat absurd,” Mr Prodi said.

Couldn’t have put it better myself. But what’s the usual reaction of a centralized authority when it finds itself powerless? Flail, that’s right. Execute something. So let’s check the rest of the net and see on whom their vengence has alighted:

Saddam Hussein.

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraq’s High Tribunal on Sunday found Saddam Hussein guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced him to hang for the 1982 killing of 148 Shiites in the city of Dujail. The visibly shaken former leader shouted “God is great!”

Saddam’s half brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Ibrahim, and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, head of the former Revolutionary Court, were sentenced to join Saddam on the gallows for the Dujail killings after an unsuccessful assassination attempt during a Saddam visit to the city 35 miles north of Baghdad.

The death sentences automatically go to a nine-judge appeals panel which has unlimited time to review the case. If the verdicts and sentences are upheld, the executions must be carried out within 30 days.

pic o’ the day: samovars of the gods

Hail our new caffeinated leaders! via Fark. Honestly, are these not the most beautiful samovars you’ve ever seen? Okay, okay caffeine pedants, URNS! There, happy now?

samovars of the gods