quiz: are you a gentleman?

Oh dear. Does this mean I’m in for a big life change?

You Are 88% Gentleman

No doubt about it, you are a total gentleman.

You please the pickiest ladies, and you make everyone in a room feel comfortable.

Are You A Gentleman?

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latest Undignified Deaths news…

Got Gravity?

Also, headline of the day, from Fark as usual:

Cool, I found another geckoooOOoooooooooooohhhhhh

It seems that a nocturnal gecko-hunter, out for a quick 3am lizard-gathering in a cost-free initiative to feed his presumably ravenous snake (and really, haven’t we all heard that line about the snake and his appetites at 3am? well, exactly), opened a door in a disused building and pulled a Wile E. Coyote, only without the part where he lives afterwards. 45m straight down a shaft into a sewer.

News.com.au has the details…although it was generous of them to leave the fellow’s name off the report. In the absence of more information, we here at the ol’ raincoaster blog are presuming his middle name was Wayne.

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Bad Clone

Alas, not the Godly American hamburger chain. No, indeed. In-n-out is my internet service lately. Blame Shaw Cable. Maybe it was the 24 Gawker Media windows I had open; perhaps the incredible hotness of the Herbal Essences guy melted the switches or summat. Things better get fixed before I teach my blogging class; very difficult to blog offline.

Not to mention that WordPress.com keeps logging me out and back in as another identity.

In any case, posting will be light until things simmer down. Either click the raincoaster randomizer on the right or check out my blogroll: it’s mightily pimped out!

The Dukes of Bengal

Yes indeedy, this is what every action movie so far has been lacking. Wonder why Hudson Hawk lost $25million?

Because it did not have a climactic tractor mudfight scene.

Like this:

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quiet riot: a Canadian mob scene

Police Horse in Vancouver

So there I was, down at English Bay, waiting for the fireworks. But I was not alone: no indeed, 200,000 of my closest strangers and several of my friends were there with me.

And they were ready for us.

The three cops.

Actually, there were a great many more than three, although a wholly insufficient number to deal with the number of people celebrating their Welfare Wednesday en plein air. Most of them, indeed, were involved in traffic-denials and bicyclist harrassment and had no free hands, what with all the pointing and waving and whistling and “hey buddy, you can’t go there”-ing they were doing, to be involved in any riot-quelling activities.

Which brings us to the three cops.

The riot police.

The specialists.

You could tell they were riot police because of the quarterstaffs they carried in sheaths attached to their saddles.

Well, I guess technically it’s the SIX cops then, if you take Brigadier’s Law into account.

The Yanko-Belgian (half Quarter Horse, half Belgian).

The Anglo-Percheron (sometimes known as the Heavy Irish Hunter).

The Freisian (aka “those ones that Martha Stewart has, you know, that match the trim on the house”).

And their associated humans.

All were dressed in proper riot gear, the modern equivalent of military plate: it’s the first time I ever saw horses with plexiglas faceguards, reinforced LED-accented tack, teensy poll helmets nestled behind the ears, shin and knee pads like an NHL goalie and, as mentioned above, quarterstaffs. Plus Tasers, guns, handcuffs, snaffles, the usual. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a broadsword, but alas I was disappointed.

And you know, they DID have a mob to deal with, much to the visible consternation of their human partners. Ooohh, those boys were not happy: they were livid, faces like slabs of meat ripped from the flank of a charging bull.

Yes, the entire time they were on duty they were surrounded by a mob six to twelve deep. A mob of Canadians. A mob with one thing, and one thing only, on its mind.

“Can I pet your horse?”