blog o’ the day: Ask Sister Mary Martha

TIAFound this via the nominations thread for Best New Blog; one notes, one does, a dearth of voting information there, and one assumes, one must, that voting will be done by highly arbitrary committee.

I’m simply outstanding with highly arbitrary committees. This looks excellent for the continued success of Operation Global Media Domination!

One notes as well that one clever reader has simply followed the link and nominated his own blogs. Not that we hold that against him, as we would surely have done the same, engtech.

In any case, deep in the midst of an otherwise repetitive list of unaccountably dull suggestions (present company excepted, of course) we found this:

Ask Sister Mary Martha

Note that, unless I simply haven’t gone far enough back in the archives, one cannot actually ask Sister Mary Martha anything except in the comments on her blog posts. So it’s a bit of a misnomer, but that’s not a mortal sin.

Or is it? Paging Sister Mary Martha

In any case, the blog is amusing, particularly when it gets into extended metaphor territory in this account of a simple trip to everybody’s favorite gay hangout, Home Depot.

At 9pm at the Home Depot there are a lot of terrible looking people. People who have 5 hours to paint their apartment walls before they move out in the morning who are looking for the cheapest white paint they can find that will cover up the unsightly colors they painted the place without the landlord’s permission and 7000 hand prints. Saint Mary MartiniPeople who are buying plants and rugs and fans and doorknobs and drawer pulls. And lots of people with emergency plumbing problems. Because it isn’t really an emergency if it’s not at 9pm now is it?

And they all look like zombies. Poor Souls.

It’s an oddly good match when we arrive in a land of zombies. We look like exorcists. Sort of…

13 thoughts on “blog o’ the day: Ask Sister Mary Martha

  1. # You can nominate yourself; don’t be shy.
    # The number of nominations a blog receives is irrelevant. One nomination is enough…


    Voting will be a different matter

  2. Indeed. Metro’s already nominated Jesus’ General so many times he’s probably banned, so we can save time by not courting his vote.

    So, working on any automatic voting scripts? I think somebody did that for me with Stumbleupon, since the blog got 110 hits through them yesterday and none today, which would make sense if it were a program and they killed it. If it were just a normal Stumble, would it not still be giving me hits?

    I don’t understand these damn sites.

  3. You rang? You can ask me anything and I always answer the question. When I started blogging I thought people would have tons of questions. Either they don’t or they are too shy to ask. So I just blabber on and on.

    Thank you for your complimentary post. Please visit us often.
    Sister Mary Martha

  4. @raincoaster:
    It’d probably be easy to create an automatic voting script, but what is the point, really? To get a blog award that doesn’t mean anything? Might as well create an RSS scraper that creates blogspot blogs that links back to your site and get in the Technorati top 100. It’s like cheating in video games — takes all the fun out of it.

    re: stumbleupon I see that all the time. It isn’t an automatic voting script, what happens is that someone with a large audience suggests something and it’ll get at least 100 hits or so. If people keep giving it a thumbs up then it’ll go higher and higher… if they don’t then it’ll trail off for that first day, but there’ll probably be a small trickle for the next month or so.


    A friend found the same thing. There’s a ridiculous ratio of lurkers to commenters out there. So he essential started making up the letters:

  5. How do you vote? I thought it was just me being…all sorts of derogatory things! Hey, if Sister M.M is reading this: are you going to do as a commenter suggested and open your blog to all? I was not anonymous and even tried to set up an account to no avail.

  6. You can’t vote yet. They’ll pick a bunch of finallists and then you can vote. When that happens you’d better BELIEVE I will post about it. I have a blogger ID (although I am loathe to use it because it links not at all to this blog) so I could always pass your question along.

    Sister, I shall be checking out your blog regularly.

    engtech, from the way you drop links I would expect you to use every weapon in your arsenal on this, flattening the less techie competition.

  7. True enough; they’d probably just make a new award for him. “Biggest whore on the Internet.” Actually, I may be up for that already. Can I rely on your vote?

  8. I think Metro knows how to do it; perhaps he’ll drop by and explain it.

    I’ve got my own run to Home Depot scheduled for tomorrow night, so I’ll try to make it around nine and blog for comparitive purposes. Should be an interesting contrast, I’m thinking.

  9. Pingback: Operation Global Media Domination: the Flamewar Situation « raincoaster

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