my mother, the CIA agent, the Filipino forger, and the meaning of Christmas presents

I’m kind of disappointed my blogging diploma isn’t from Miskatonic, but that’s nothing a little hacking won’t fix.

The University of Blogging
Presents to


An Honorary

Bachelor of
Self Portraiture

Majoring in



Blogging Degree

And this reminds me, it does, of the time my mother wanted to buy me a Doctorate from Harvard.

She was living in Saudi Arabia, as one does, shacked up with a CIA agent whose job it was to teach battlefield communications to the Saudis. As one does.

Islam was the bane of his existence, as five times a day no matter what they’d all pull out their rugs and face mecca and present a nice, juicy target to the Israelis. No indeed, this did not take him to his happy place, for yea, he was a very conscientious battlefield communications instructor. Over and over he lectured them, over and over he proved that the Israelis could wipe them all out at any of those five, widely known and unvarying times of day. And over and over they happily replied “if the Israelis kill us we will go straight to Paradise as martyrs,” and I believe one of them even made a reference to that bugger, I can’t kill him when he’s praying scene in Hamlet, obviously stretching to try to find some common ground with Jerry the Baptist, out in the wild Arabian desert.

As a sideline, Jerry ran the local casino and house of ill repute, which brought in several times his salary, and which he was allowed to keep because what his bosses were truly interested in was the blackmail material gathered by the tiny cameras placed strategically around the premises. He also had the local distribution rights for Johnny Walker, which was as the mines of King Solomon in terms of putting out the gelt.

Where was I? Oh yes, about to get to the religious police.

Naturally, Jerry was quite conscious of the activities of the religious police. The main trouble with the religious police was, as you can imagine, that they tended to be quite…well, there’s really no way around this, I’m just going to have to come out and say it… quite religious.

And the whole living-in-sin-with-a-Canadian-and-a-socialist-at-that thing was exactly the sort of thing with which they were Not Cool.

At. All.

Now, Jerry and my mother were by no means originals in their living arrangements, which did tend to give a rather louche reputation to even the primmest Mormon that the Yanks sent over, and so, as always happens where there are problems and lots of money around, a man materialized with a solution.

He materialized at the same time every year, swinging through the Middle East like an olden days tinker would swing through, say, Simcoe County, offering his wares.

He was a Filipino forger, and he was a very busy man.

They took one of the American marriage licenses for $250, which is really cheap for a piece of paper that you show the religious police and they don’t have you stoned, when you think about it, really, and my mother pondered long over the very tempting Harvard Doctorate, but decided that even she was not overpaid enough to spend $500 and besides, what would she get my sister, eh? Answer me that!

That year she got a camel saddle and I got a silver veil. Gee, I guess Mom DID love me best, even if she thought I was ugly.

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Just exactly why the Batmobile sucks


There is nothing that cannot be redeemed by the love of a true fan; nothing, that is, except, apparently, the Batmobile!

And we’re not even talking about the penile one from those gay movies with the molded rubber nipple suits. Even the classic Batmobile sucked ass, apparently.

And here’s why:

What a fucking hassle it must be for Batman to get around.

He has two primary modes of transportation: swinging from gothic clock towers on his Batline, and cruising around Gotham in the Batmobile. Sure, he’s got a Batwing and a Batjet and a Batcopter and even a Bat-Segway, but mostly Batman relies on his ride to get from point A to point B.

Now, the Batmobile is a seriously tricked-out car, and you can’t blame the guy for wanting to drive it, but it must be a serious pain in the ass dealing with the Batmobile every night.

As anyone who lives in or near a big North American city knows, urban driving can be a maddening experience. Heavy traffic, one-way streets, swerving buses, crazy-ass taxi drivers, potholes, inadequate signage, kamikaze bike messengers, oblivious pedestrians – don’t even get me going about parking. The shit is hard enough to deal with in a normal city in a normal car. Now just imagine trying to navigate Gotham City’s rat nest of streets and alleys in an extra-wide custom hot rod with a wonky torque converter and limited visibility.

——”If Batman wants to change lanes, you will let him into your lane.”——

Okay, the actual driving itself would probably not be an issue, as Batman probably has advanced defensive driving skills and an intimate knowledge of the street layout of Gotham. Plus, people would get the hell out of the Batmobile’s way. If Batman wants to change lanes, you will let him into your lane.

But what about parking? Can that thing even fit into a standard parking spot? Have you ever tried to parallel park a car that has huge scalloped bat wings on the back while wearing a rubber cowl that prevents you from moving your neck more than five degrees in any direction? I want to see a director’s cut of Tim Burton’s Batman where Michael Keaton tries to slide that beast into a parking spot without scraping the curb or bumping into another car. Now that would be some amazing shit.

and so on, at length. My theory is that he just tucks Alfred in the trunk (it has one, right? or else where do the badguys stuff Robin when they kidnap him and steal the car?) and lets him out when he starts hoofing it, “Here’s the keys Alfred, I’ll be back in twenty minutes, have the Chardonnay chilled,” or whatever.

That makes total sense to me.

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Cthulhu couture!

Our favorite fashion fuggers have delved deeply into the murky waters which are trends and look at what they’ve fished up from the bottom: fishy fashions; Cthulhu couture; R’lyeh wraps. They’re what everyone is wearing to the formal hoe-down at the Esoteric Order of Dagon Hall (no relation to Anthony Michael Hall).

See for yourself, if you dare. Behold John G’halia-no’s wakame sake-inspired Kelp Me, I’m Falling:

Kelp me I’m falling

And, if you still retain sanity and will, scroll downward to view what every halfbred Deep One will be wearing to her prom, or her Transition, whichever comes first. Behold the Chitin Blossom, from B’hyll Bass.

Scales Dress GFY

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What’s your warning label

I don’t think this is anywhere near fucking strong enough; there’s nothing about tentacles! Stolen from Herbivorous, who at some point linked to me, for what reason I cannot imagine. I only keep the plants alive so I can hide in them when those nosy journalist types come around.




Should be more like this:

Cthulhu crossing!

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