Blogging for Beginners: from Zero to Technorati in 7 Hours

What: Blogging for Beginners: from Zero to Technorati in 7 hours

When: 9:30am-4:30 pm, Saturday, July 28th, 2007

Where: Tradeworks Training Society, 2nd floor, 87 East Pender Street at Columbia, Vancouver

Why: Get your blog up and running in one day:
strictly limited to no more than 8 students, this course covers blog basics like:

· what a blog can and can’t do for you
· doing business on blogs/advertising and Adsense
· podcasting, video, audio, and text posts
· basic copyright law and accepted practices
· blog promotion
· joining the blogosphere at large
· solving basic technical problems, where to find help
· what to say when you have nothing to say/what to say when you have far too much to say.

Who: raincoaster media ltd, in partnership with Tradeworks Training Society.
Contact lorraine.murphy at for more information

How(much)? $100 tuition for the full day
Pre-register to reserve your space: email lorraine.murphy at or phone 778-235-0592

To join our mailing list for future blogging classes, just fill out the contact form below.

literecy cat

Blogging is the most powerful self-publishing tool ever invented; not only is it free and accessible, but it’s easy. Let Vancouver blogger and entrepreneur Lorraine Murphy teach you the skills to start up, maintain and promote your own blog. Whether you’re interested in blogs for self-expression, showcasing your professional expertise, personal journaling, keeping in touch with family, making new friends, sharing poems, or even publishing a book, this intensive one-day course will get you up and running.

With class size limited to 8, this will be a day of personalized, hands-on learning. During the class you will create your own blog, tweak the design, publish your first post, add a YouTube video, and even some music. Then you’ll learn how to let Google and Technorati and other search engines know you exist, and begin to take part in the blogging community as a whole, including where to turn when you need help. We’ll wrap up with a lesson on effective and values-driven blog promotion practices and netiquette. You will leave with a functional, optimized blog and all the skills you need to take it as high in the blogosphere as you want to go. See you on Technorati!

Bio: Lorraine Murphy is a Vancouver blogger, writer, and editor. She has been blogging for many years, both professionally and personally, and her flagship blog, raincoaster, is ranked in the top 16,000 blogs in the world. She also maintains The Shebeen Club Blog for the literary group of the same name, and running through rain, for students of her course Blogging to Personal Growth. Ms Murphy is the author of Terminal City: Vancouver’s Missing Women and a former Small Business Columnist at Business in Vancouver newspaper and Occupational Pursuit magazine. As one of the cornerstone volunteers in the technical help forums, she has long experience helping beginning bloggers develop fluency and achievement online.

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13 thoughts on “Blogging for Beginners: from Zero to Technorati in 7 Hours

  1. Wow, this is really a lot more organized than my “seminar”. I called it the “will trade beer for links” tour…My approach lacked a certain…um…refinement…

  2. Will you invoke the South Park sock gnomes?

    Seriously, this looks great, but have you considered charging us for reading raincoaster? I mean, we get schooled every day for free.

  3. See that Paypal donation button?

    Yeah, some of you get schooled, some of you get caned. Check Lolgoth#19 comments thread for details. I actually got an email from WordPress about the number of F-bombs I used.

  4. Oh my god, you are the in the top 16,000? I am SO honored. No, really. Love the new Paypal donation button. Maybe if I squeeze my new bitch’s nuts real hard again I can milk him for some sugar and throw some your way.


    Did you really get a WordPress email about the fuck word? What did they say?

  5. I cannot get over that Paypal donation button. I knew it was a matter of time. Have you thought about the used panties business? Hey didn’t I ask you this before?

  6. Like I wear underwear!

    Yes, I really got an email about the F-bomb. As you can see from that post, I got into a fight with someone who basically considers anyone who swears to be the moral and blogging equivalent of a hardcore porn artiste, and I get she/he/it brought its shrill friends over to complain about me. In fairness to WP, I don’t think they knew the back story there. They said more it was a tag issue, as all the F bombs on the front page are on posts tagged “Kids” which I can see an issue with.

    Sometimes Im’ in the top 16k. Today I got booted downwards: it’s typically volatile + or – 800 or so a day at that level. Hits have gone nuts lately, for whatever reason.

    Soon, very soon, I’ll be doing blogging classes in Second Life. That’ll be cool, cuz I’ll be getting paid in First Life!

    I just wish the paypal button could pay out in a nice merlot sometimes.

  7. Damn…so hard up you can’t even afford a pair of panties. Haha just kidding Raincoaster. I’m sure it’s a lifestyle choice. Right? Right?

    Does this mean you were also going commando during class?

  8. When I make my new fortune in programming, I’ll send some your way and won’t even ask for panties. I’m altruistic that way . . . . and stop fucking laughing . . . catch that ,Wordpress?

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