quiz: what the hell is wrong with your ex

Here’s one everyone can identify with! I love that it puts the answers only in the form of pathologies because of course dumping or failing to please jewels such as us is indeed pathological.

Your Ex is Histrionic

Your ex is hot and cold – a total drama queen or king.Your ex can’t survive without tons of dramatics, attention, and approval.
People with histrionic personality disorder are inappropriately seductive, prone to rapid mood swings, and rash decision makers.

Sound at all familiar?

What’s Wrong With Your Ex?

Hmmmm, now I’m not so sure…inappropriately seductive, prone to rapid mood swings, and rash decision makers, eh? But I’m not seeing where the negatives are here…(also, there’s no place to say what attracted you to your ex was the way he looked mid-Marathon, skimming across the ground in those shorts; the shallow are always pushed to the margins, except in W and PerezHilton.com!).

the Right Honourable Dr Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, picks his nose and eats it

That’s basically it. Gordon Brown, Chancellor (=Finance Minister), sits on-camera behind Tony Blair on the day he is to present his new budget and slowly and methodically picks his nose and eats it, over a period of two excruciatingly long minutes. Quite frankly, I couldn’t make it all the way to the end; I thought he was going to break through to his brain case any second. Maybe he thinks it comes under “recycling” and is a new green initiative?

Hat tip to Guido, who put the creative choice of soundtrack to it and who’s been up to much interesting stuff while I’ve been quietly starving from lack of Internet and fattening foods.

Note to self: juice fasts make me homicidally enraged. Remember to fast before confronting enemies; also, can hide the bodies in my now-baggy clothes.

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the Spaghetti Harvest, 2007

The Spaghetti Harvest 

Yes, the BBC did a groundbreaking documentary on the Swiss spaghetti farming industry back in 1957 (crappy Realplayer version here), but that’s soooo 20th Century. Here is an update on an independent spaghetti farmer working the family farm in New Jersey, and his valiant fight against corporate Big Spaghetti.

and remember, if you want to grow your own, just follow the advice of the BBC:

place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best

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MC Rove

This video is the most definitive exhibition of white boy cool in the history of white boys. Come on, admit it you demented Republican rednecks:

Karl Rove looks about as cool as an undermedicated and spastic special education lifer performing in the inpatient pageant.

Also, this has inspired some marvelous comments on YouTube, such as the below, to which we can add nothing.

toddlerh (1 hour ago)

Karl Rove is simply adorable. I hope he’s this funny at his war-crimes tribunal and in federal prison.

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Harry Potter coverup

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the busy cover art 

Just to prime the pump (and possibly to silence legions of annoying, yammering, l33tspkg fans) Bloomsbury has released the cover designs for the last book in JK Rowling‘s series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc is delighted to release the book jacket images for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K.Rowling, to be published on 21st July 2007. The cover illustration for the children’s edition is by Jason Cockcroft, who drew the cover illustrations for the previous two Harry Potter books… The cover design for the adult edition is from a photograph by Michael Wildsmith, who has photographed all the adult edition jackets…These covers will be used throughout the world on the English language editions excluding the USA. Scholastic US have also released their cover images of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

and look, here it is:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows US

Better than the British one (you have to view the full wraparound version on their crappy Flash page), if more individualistic. What does that say about the relative values of each nation? That Daniel Radcliffe has a better US agent than Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, that’s what.

Actually, the best one is the British adult version(warning: is pig-dog to load and has a tendency to crash my computer. Funny, you’d think Slytherin would be raincoaster-positive), with Slytherin‘s locket. Although who would have imagined that Slytherin would be caught dead wearing anything as femme-y as a locket?

Also, why are publishers so enamoured of Flash? These pages are a bitch to load, and that cutsie owl hooting that Scholastic features during the load just about makes me want to go out and strangle the next owl I see.

Or publisher.

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