The Decisive Moment, Updated

Some things (mostly Parisian things, it must be admitted) are classics.

The Decisive Moment

The Decisive Moment, 1932

Some things are more of their time.

The Decisive Moment of the 21st Century

The Decisive Moment, 2009

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Crime Pays: Fundraiser for the Federation of BC Writers

Cross–posted from the Shebeen Club

Who: The Federation of BC Writers and the Shebeen Club

What: a wicked good fundraiser for the Fed

When: Monday, March 16th, 6-9pm

Where: The Vancouver Police Museum, 240 East Cordova Street, Vancouver

Why: it would be criminal to miss this party!

Crime Pays film noir femme fatale

Wanted: YOU!

Come help the Fed celebrate 32 years of getting away with murder. Whether infiltrating schools, divvying up swag, or distributing subversive publications, the Federation of BC Writers has been operating unchecked in our province for decades.

Do you enjoy the vicarious thrill of rubbing shoulder pads with the Lost Literati of the Wild West, surrounded by instruments of murder and mayhem in the cosy confines of the police museum? Do you have what it takes to make your bones as a Fed member? There’s only one way to find out! Come out to the party and make us an offer we can’t refuse.

Admission: $20 minimum donation includes a drink and appetizers. Click here to register. If you won’t be attending, but would like to support the Fed, you can click the Paypal button in the sidebar to make an online donation in the amount of your choice.

Dress code: Trenchcoat and fedora, deerstalker and cape, jailhouse stripes, uniforms, Bond Villain suits or femme fatale slinkwear all optional but encouraged. Attitude absolutely mandatory.

This arresting experience will feature Western Canada’s first Poetry Brothel (five bucks buys a love poem read to you by a sexy stunner) as well as a Guys and Dolls date auction, so bring your chequebook! Our lineup of lads and lovelies will show the winning bidders the times of their lives, thanks to generous sponsorship from premier local entertainments.

Raffle prize donations, bribes, and sponsorship applications very welcome: please email lorraine.murphy at Gmail dot com. Anything related to crime or the theme of noir is particularly welcome, eg detective books, Martini glasses, etc, or anything black or white.

The Crime Pays fundraiser will be our Shebeen Club meeting for the month of March, so I hope to see everyone there, dressed fabulously and behaving infamously!

Pic o’ the Day: Montreal Dairy Cows

Okay, so this isn’t going to be the most SEO-pimped-out post I’ve ever made. Still, it’s an amazing pic and everyone should see it and hear the backstory from WalkingTurcotYards, backstory which is both poignant and amazing:

Between Two Windows

The Forgotten Man

Some of the discussions I’ve been having recently have got me a bit touchy on certain subjects, which some of the quicker on the draw of you may have noticed. This relates to one of them, and William Powell says things so much better than I could that I figure I should just stand back and let him have at it.

From My Man Godfrey, and as true now as it was then. Skip ahead to 2:30-4:00 to watch the real fun:

Welcome to the Blogroll, George Orwell

George Orwell Passport

Do I need to explain why?

Seriously, though, I’d have thought he’d have been a little snappier. If he’d had to compete with all the famewhores out there stuffing their blogs with memes, he’d have stepped up his game a bit.

Check out the August 10th entry:

Drizzly. Dense mist in evening. Yellow moon.

Yeah, ACTUAL diaries are never as interesting as blogs. For one thing, fewer amusing YouTubes. The premise is, one post per day, taken straight from Orwell‘s actual diaries. If it weren’t George Fucking Orwell I wouldn’t bother, but I have faith there will be something other than a haircut blog in it eventually.

We’ve now gone a good, solid step beyond asking what happens to a blog when somebody dies (see Theresa Duncan and Olive Riley) and gone straight into blogging for the dead by proxy.